Primary County: Wilson
Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803/01/10
Purpose / Short Description:
Text of Petition: 10-1-1803-1
The Honorable Speaker of the House of
Representatives of the State of Tennessee.
We your petitioners, Citizens of Wilson
County, Humbly complaineth, and sheweth,
unto your Honorable body, that by an act
of the last session of the General Assembly,
our said County of Wilson was by devisions
reduced below constitutional limits, as by a
plat of the same it will more fully appear;
On your examination of said plat you find
we lack One hundred and fifty five square
miles and is left in a very inconvenient;
we therefore hope your Honorable body will
not suffer such injuries to pass unnoticed,
& that you will not suffer the intrust of a
free people to be sacrafised to enhance the
intrust of any one individual whatever, We
therefore hope your body in their acts of wisdom
and Justice will grant to us our full content, which
has so wrongfully been taken away. --
Begining on the South bank of Cumberland River
opposite the south East corner of Sumner County,
There to run South twenty three [illegible] East [illegible] paces
a parallel line from the mouth of Deakes Pick.
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