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Primary County: Greene

Date Filed (format: YYYY/MM/DD): 1803


Purpose / Short Description: Request to the General Assembly of Tennessee for a new County Solicitor for Greene County

Text of Petition: 1 - 1 - 1803 - 1
To the Honereble the General Assembley of the state of Tinnesse

We your humble Petetioners of the County of Green
in said state humbly sheweth that we think ourselves
and the Citisens of Our County Aforesaid agreved by some
of the Conduct of the Court of our said xxxxxx ^County Which
Court Comenced on Monday the 24th Day of January in
the year of Our Lord 1803 at Greeneville, Which grevence
is as folows, to wit that on the second Day of the term
it being the 25th Day of January Aforesaid the Court
Maid an Order that there shold be the sum of sixty Dolers
of Our Countys Money Apropriated to the xxxx [ewe?] of thiveing
a County solicetor to Act as sutch in Our said Court
for one year Ouer and Above All his Lawfull fees and
so proceded to Lay the tax for said year as high as the Law
Wold Permit there, and for the proof of our Ascartion
We Apeale to the Records of said Court ~

Now if xxxxxx you in your Greate Wisdom Wold
Direct some Other Systom for the Goverment of our
County so that we May be Remedied Against sutch
injuries and Affix a plan Wherby Our Publick Good
might be in more safty, and the Rites of the People
Not Violated Your Petitioners as in Deuty bound
shall Ever Pray ~
the Rod

Given Name(s) Surname Signed Name with X (or other mark) Transcriber's Comment
Charles Smith
Christopher Houts
John Harmon junr
Peter Harmon junr
John Hughes
Thomas Frazer
Owen Allison
Abner Frazier
Saml Frazier junr
John Slanfield
John Bige
Aaron Newman
James Wright
James Gases
? Allison
Charles Lowney Senr
Fredrick Hale
Georg Ritsel
Jarole Misemer
John Nees
Daniel Rogan
Richard Curlain
Charles Lain
Thomas Gilles Esq
? ?
Anderson Walker
John Newman Senr
James Nisman
William Milburn
John Hall
Leonard Dell

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Column 2, third from bottom: Jarole Misemer Junr