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[circled] Buffalo Oct 31st.

My Bewildered Cousin.

Your kind favor of oct 23 and 24th is now
lying before me, awaiting an answer. Your know the old proverb
"better late than never", and I do not purpose scolding you
the least bit. Your letter is some like mind poorly written, yet
I mean no flattery when I say, it is far more welcome to me
than the most exquisitely written epistle, which had nothing but
studied sentences, and strict order.

Dont be surprised. Rodolph is home. We
had not expected him till the holidays, but his business was
such that he could not have at that time, and he has
obtained leave of absence now. We were almost angry with
him for coming so soon. We were to have a "barbacue" and
lots of fine times; but it could not be helped, and
mother thinks we may have time to get ready yet. If
so full particulars in my next.

He visited the asylum Saturday but
did not see Charley. He was about the same. Rodolph
would have been home at half past eight Saturday evening
but they had a smash up which detained them several hours.
He sends his love to all, says he has written you half a dozen times

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"mind" should be "mine" -Your letter is some like mine poorly written
concur with the rest