



Status: Page Status Needs Review

You write a very good letter
Emma, for one of your advan
-tages, but there is yet room for
improvement. It is well to adopt
a familiar style, and write as
you would talk, not forgetting
however that your object in wri[underlined]-
ting[underlined] is to learn to talk[underlined] well, no
less than to think[underlined] well. - But
this is "good advice" enough for once
when I see that you have proffited
by it. I will then give you another
"chapter" -

I was so busy while Bob
was here that I could not attend
to getting your pens. You can
borrow some of Cora until I
have another opportunity to send.

I presume that Uncle Will's folks
are well, tho I have seen none of
them except Jimmy since I was out
to the Grove.

There Em, is your first letter
from your "good Uncle"


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Reviewed, concur with the transcriber