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First Class--5 to 7 feet high, 20 to 25 cents each; $20 per 100; $150 per 1,000.
2nd do. --5 to 7 feet high, $10 to $15 per 100.
Dwarf --25 to 30 cents each; $20 per 100. [written] a few hund cheap
[printed] 2 years old--$50 per 1,000.
1 do. do.--$25 per 1,000.
Seedlings --Two years old, $4 per 1,000. [written] 3 old out

[printed] PEARS.
Dwarf and Standard--2 to 3 years old, (fine,) 50 cents each; $35 per 100.

Dwarf--Duke varieties, hardy and fine, 30 to 50 cents each; $30 per 100.

Different varieties--2 years old, 50 cents each.

Isabella, Catawba and Clinton--3 years old, 35 cents each; 1 year old, 20 to 25 cents each;
Mammoth or Charter Oak, $1.50 each; Rebecca, $1.25 each; Diana, [written: Elisburgh] $1.25 each; Con-
cord, $1.00 each; Delaware, $2.25 each; Northern Muscadine, 75 cents each.
[written] Those \\ this -- sold out

[printed] CURRANTS.
Red and White Dutch, Black English and Black Naples, $1.00 per doz., or $5.00 per 100;
Victoria, Fertile de Val, Long Bunch Red, Mellow-leafed Red, Red and [written: (]White Grape[written: )] and
Cherry, 25 cents each; or, from $12 to $15 per 100. [written] (short of W. Grap

[printed] PIE-PLANT.
Myat's Victoria, Champion of England, Linneas, Scotch Hybrid, Prince Albert, Downing's
Collossal, [written: *] Strawberry and Giant, 10 to 30 cents each.
[written] * Believe it a cheat

[printed] BERRIES.
Strawberries, Raspberries and Blackberries of the most approved sorts, at low prices.

American Arborvitae, 3 to 4 feet, 50 cents each, or $35 per 100. Hemlock; Balsam of Fir,
3 feet high, Norway, White, Variable and Jersey Pines, 40 to 75 cents each.

Hardy Ornamental Shrubs and Climbers, 25 cents each. Flowering Quince, African Tenerix,
Snowballs, Spireas, Virgin's Bower, and different varieties of upright and climbing
Honeysuckles. Perrenials, 25 cents each. [something written, illegible] Phloxes, 20 sorts, under name. Iris, Lilies,
Spruces, Acconites, &c. Choice Peonias, 25 to 50 cents each--20 sorts, old and new,
under name.

Hardy miscellaneous Summer Roses, 25 to 50 cents each; Moss varieties, 50 to 75 cents
each; Rare, $1 to $2 each; Perpetual Moss, 50 cents to [illegible] each. Climbing Roses of the
following classes: Prairie or Michigan, Ayrshire, Multiflora, Boursault, 50 cents each.
Perpetual or Ever-blooming, 50 cents each; Yellow Austrian, 35 to 75 cents each; Bour-
bon, 40 to 50 cents each; Musk-scented, 40 to 75 cents each; Noisettes, 50 cents to $2;
Bengals, 50 cents each; Tea Roses, 50 to 75 cents each; Microphyllas and Banksia, 50
cents each. In connection with the above we have a Tea Rose with green blossoms, at
$1; Augusta, (a Noisette,) a yellow climber, acknowledged by judges not to be second to
any, $1.50 to $2.00 each; also, the Madame Halaire, a perpetual, which took the first
prize at Paris, 75 cents each.

We will furnish to order Verbenas, Tulips, Dahlias, in short all kinds of Shrubs and
Plants propagated East, at Eastern prices, if notified in season.

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