Buda Bureau Co. Ill
March 1st 1860
Mr. John A. Kenicot
Sir please send me your price for the following named trees & plants well put up & shiped to this place. I am making a farm for Mr. E. H. Lombard Esqr & he will want considerable of the fruit & ornamental when he gets ready H told me to do something, & the first thing I do will be to get a list of prices to a few kinds. that I may know how & where to order. & the amount of money &c
Truly Yours
Thomas F. Bennet
Evergreens from 1 & 1/2 to 2 feet Red cedar 10 White Pine 5 Balsam Fir 5 Norway Spruce 5 Austrian Pine 5 Soft maples 3 to 5 feet high 10 Snow Ball " " 2 Purple Lilack 2 . " " 2 White " " " 2 mountain Ash 3 ft. " 5 Silver leaf Poplar 5 " " 2 American Tulip or White wood 3 to 5 ft 5 Cucumber " " 5 Chesnut 1 to 2 [illegible] years 5 Best white Currant 5 Quince 5 Sibrian Crab apple 4 years 3 Lawton Blackbrry 40 Red Ant[werp?] Raspberry 40 Wilsons. Albany & Hookers Strawberry of each 25 and if they are not staminate sufficient.
I should want 25 . stominate plants I dont know the Strawberries mentioned I see them praised. & I have not a catalogue to learn whether they are stominate to ferti lize themselves. I prefer such as fertilize themselves
Largest or mamoth Rhubord 5 Not largest plants but kind Grapes Issabella 5 " Deleware 2 " Diana 2