



Status: Page Status Needs Review

of making many improvements or of buying
much for my grounds. Of evergreens
have enough. Have had tolerable success
in pear culture & if I could get what I
want, would remove a row of apple trees &
plant a few pears in quince - I like
them better than standards - Would like
a fine specimen of weeping ash for a
particular place in the farm and
would like about 16 pear trees to years
old well stocked to the ground of the
following kinds vis:

[attempted to spell the following correctly]
Buffum four trees - Bell Lucrative
two trees - Duchesne D. Argentesse two
trees - Beune Dirt two trees - Ghost
Merscrase two trees - Vicar of Winkfield
two trees & Beune Giffard to trees
also a half dozen or so of some kind
of standard cherries - say English
morello. If I cannot get first class
specimens do not want any - Can
you supply me with these? If so will

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