Dear Sir-
In reily to yours of Jan,15th= 60 observe I have nothing to sell but the Concord Grape- and not more than 20 or 30 after making the esccha =nge with you- I have --laid-- --in-- 100 for -Douglas of Waukegan Also 100 for Hf payment Freemont Center at 20 doll-per hundred ----------------Should be pleased to grow for you two ot three hundred the coming season at the above priced ------ Please remember me about the Japan Silies & Jlybrrd Peruceluals and I will -end= +eavot to see you earily in the spring --------Dorchester grant (Ponay N York show) sent me last spring 3 instead of one of Drawings Ever Bearing Mulsbesday at 1.50 cts- each- if the winter does not destroy them I will exchange them one of them-Also a few Sawton-Dorchester & Allen- blackberries & raspberries-I send all my Isabella and Catawba grayue roots one year old to Tescas- at 8 dolls- per hundred- shall probably have 1000 another fall at same price I shall have done with Isabel- and (Catawba so soon) as I can find Dianna and Concord to Lake there place-The Delaware I think will be a dececy for the birds-I have but 2 plants.
The Mail waits- in last I remember your