Belvidere Decr 13 1859
Mr J A Kenicott
Dr Sir I want 1,000 H. S. Goosberries next fall cant you furnish them for $3. per Hundred it seems to me that you might. you told me that you thought you should be able to sell them for $4. per Hundred and in taking ten Hun -dred you could you not give them to me for $3. per Hundred I want also some Scions of the Blk Naples currents if I can have them I want to know the price I want Some 500. I also want 2 or 3 A Balsams six feet high and want to know the price and verry likely Some other articls in the nursery line please write me soon that I may have an opportunity to be looking about
Respectfully Yours
S. W. Bristol
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