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Mohawk July 28 1859

Dear Sir I [did?] not finally [conclude?] to
to purchase any trees last Spring as I had intended
- It was too late - Did you make any of
the [illegible] Seedlings grow this time? I stated
to you that I would send you some Bluked
Scarlets on their own roots and you ask
me how I got them - If by layers &c - I
will explain - The plum in this locatily is
always called "Blukes Gaye" - They resemble
the Bluker Scarlet only in color but resemble
the Blukers Gaye as Mr Downing describes
it in all other aspets - It is full as [illegible] as
"Painie Imperial Guye" [buds?] wonderfully
is good for the table or for preserving or pickling
Our Washingtons Jeffersons & at leaswt thirty other
varieties are all dead while the Bluker
remans strong & heathy - About eight years
ago I caused a couple to be set in Illinois
There bore abundantly two years but that
hard winter injured them & they [illegible] - I
have [illegible] a member of small trees [illegible] on my Illinois [illegible] that
I think will bear next year - The history of
this Plum is as follows - Mrs Miller wife of
the late [Hun Manis?] S Miller of Utica was a Miss Bluker
- She brought the offsets or suckers from her fathers
garden in Albany (The trees are remarkable for offsets)

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