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Mohawk July 28 1859

Dear Sir I [did?] not finally [conclude?] to to purchase any trees last Spring as I had intended - It was too late - Did you make any of the [illegible] Seedlings grow this time? I stated to you that I would send you some Bluked Scarlets on their own roots and you ask me how I got them - If by layers &c - I will explain - The plum in this locatily is always called "Blukes Gaye" - They resemble the Bluker Scarlet only in color but resemble the Blukers Gaye as Mr Downing describes it in all other aspets - It is full as [illegible] as "Painie Imperial Guye" [buds?] wonderfully is good for the table or for preserving or pickling Our Washingtons Jeffersons & at leaswt thirty other varieties are all dead while the Bluker remans strong & heathy - About eight years ago I caused a couple to be set in Illinois There bore abundantly two years but that hard winter injured them & they [illegible] - I have [illegible] a member of small trees [illegible] on my Illinois [illegible] that I think will bear next year - The history of this Plum is as follows - Mrs Miller wife of the late [Hun Manis?] S Miller of Utica was a Miss Bluker - She brought the offsets or suckers from her fathers garden in Albany (The trees are remarkable for offsets)

Last edit 7 months ago by KokaKli
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The Rev John P Spinner got the offsets from Mrs Millers trees - Then F E Spinner got them from his father & from him (FC) I obtained them - They are the true Blukes & no mistake although the color varies from Mr Downings description - I purchased a new place in this village this sping & when I obtained my Blukers [strikethrough] I got about twenty offsets for you - as it was too late to safely ship them & the roots were not very strong I set them out - they were from 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 feet high and all are growing finely - In the Spring I will take them up & will pack them in a box & send them to you - As express charges are high I shall send them by rail-road as [German?] Freight - as you stated that you would only have them by paying in kind you may after you get them if you think they are worth it [strikethrough] send some apple trees to be selected by yourself to S. K. Bartholomew Union [illegible] Golmer R R. The [illegible] my farm -

Please to send me the name of the Depot to which they should be directed - Hoping you may live to [illegible] much fruit from the trees I am

Yours &c [Polney?] Owen

Dr John A Kennicott

Last edit 7 months ago by KokaKli
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Dr John A Kennicott West Northfield Illinois

[page turned] Volney Owen

[partial postmark, illegible]

Last edit 7 months ago by KokaKli
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