sampels of strawerry or is it too late I sent
to Prairie farmers Office with orders to send us
samples of a few of the best varieties of
strawbery but I fear he was too late If he
fail to get them there we will have to do
without though he find they are the best
advensement we have or can get to
induce people to buy
Every thing we planted from your
nursey is doing well scarcely lossing any
except the dutch fragrant Honeysuccle none
of them grew He are One of us is spending
a little time just now selling trees &c
for fall delivery I must mension something
I saw yesterdy in a neighboring town soon (soon)
which was a grand sight to me A
Gentleman planted one small root of
Isabella grape (one year from Cutting) in the spring
of 1.57 & at this date I feel safe in saying
that the grapes if measured in the bunch would
fill & bushel measure It far surpasses
any thing I ever saw both in groth of
vine & fruit His mode of treatment is
to train on a common Arbor & the manure he
uses is any kind of refuse flesh such chicken
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