


Needs Review


Ottawa Ills. November 30, 1858

Dr Kennicott

Dear Sir

The bulbs were duly received & have been planted in pots_ hope to have some flowers soon. I was aware that I had sent my order late, but sickness in my family prevented my attending to any thing in season. Please save me a few plants of "Brinkles Orange" raspberry - say, two dozen, if not too Expensive. I wish you would some time send me back my memorandum & I will add to it every thing I propose to get next Spring & return it to you. Have you "Wilsons Albany seedling" strawberry? also the Delaware grape vine? If so shall want 100

Last edit about 1 month ago by RobertMyers
Needs Review


plants of the former and six of the latter, & if you have them not shall want you to get them for me. I propose to do a little landscape gardning in the spring & shall need quite a bill of Shrubs plants & a few evergreens. Have not fully determined about the Avon [Gitar?] hedge yet, but will do so in season. Some times I think I will give up and not try to have a nice place - we meet with so many disappointments - the worms & vermin are so destructive in summer and the cold winters kill so many things. But there is no use of being discouraged am only 33 years old & hope to live to see things change in the course of ten years or so.

Last edit about 1 month ago by RobertMyers
Needs Review


Your Chicago agricultural papers is really a good one & the first time I am in Chicago will subscribe & pay in advance. I like the "Country Gentleman" but think perhaps your is the best for this climate & healthy.

Now I am aware that you are very much annoyed with correspondence & wish you to pay no attention to my letters when you have any thing on hand, have many questions to ask & want many things and am in no hurry as it is a long time before next spring & am entirely willing to pay for all trouble. When my final order is sent, will remit upon being informed of the amount.

Last edit about 1 month ago by RobertMyers
Needs Review



The times are so hard that I doubt if I shall be able to get many orders for evergreens next year, but will do as well as possible. If we could only impress people with the idea that they are growing old & that every year they are nearer the grave, not one season would pass without planting something that would in a short time be ornamental or useful - something that would please the eye, refine the soul, make men better and fit them for Heaven. The man who has no taste for the beautiful in nature or art, to my mind, will be ill qualified for Heaven & poor company ~

I remain yours with more true friendship than for any man with whom I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance

J. F Nash

Last edit about 1 month ago by RobertMyers
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