







Jno. A. Kennicott Esq

West Northfield


Dr. Sir

Your favor of 29th is at hand_

Have examined our books but do not find an entry of the Box for M. B. Bateham & Co Columbus Ohio & do not think Mr. Meryl sent it by Express_ Its not having reached its destination up to the 23d inst is also another infallible evidence that it was not ford. per Express_

We have no agent at Des Plains, business not having been sufficient heretofore to pay a man for attending to it_ If your business in future is to be considerable or if any suitable man that you could recommend will take an agency then at a commission we will appoint one & furnish him with the necessary books &c. I notice by your circular that you advise shipping by express, for which notice we are obliged to you. Knowing at the

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same time that it is for the interest of yourself & patrons to do so in many cases-

In the day of bogus Express Companies it would be well to advise your customers to ship by "American Express"_

I enclose you a circular that we are scattering over the whole western country & Michigan, perhaps the suggestions in it may be of service to yourself-

Yours Respy,

E. Hayden

for the Am. Ex Co

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Last edit 2 months ago by RobertMyers
Needs Review


American Express Company.


WE desire to call your attention and the public generally to the fact that we have re-organized the ORDER DEPARTMENT in our business, at Detroit, Chicago and Milwaukee, for the purpose of making purchases and the filling of any and all orders, whether to be shipped by us or otherwise; and that we have also, (in order to do this business better than you could, were you to make the purchases direct,) arranged with many of the merchants in these cities to fill our orders, and, as an inducement for us to buy of them, they offer to allow us on all bills from five to ten per cent. deduction from their regular wholesale rates, or rates that would be charged you were you to make the purchase direct. This is done in consideration that we either pay cash at time of purchase, or else its equivalent, by collecting amount of invoice on delivery of goods. Whatever commissions we are allowed in this way goes to your benefit--not ours. This is not done by other parties doing this class of business, they having the invoice for more than is paid, and pocketing the difference. We have found it necessary in order to give general satisfaction to our customers, and that there may be no delay, to detail a man for this business alone, whose whole attention will be given to it. Having agencies in all the principal cities and towns in the United States, Canadas and Europe, it will be seen at one that our facilities for doing this business are unsurpassed by any concern in in existence. Orders for goods to be returned by us can be accompanied by the money or not, as the parties may choose. Where the money is not sent, and the amount of purchase does not exceed $5, we will advance the amount; exceeding that amount, invoice of same to be collected on delivery, will be sent therewith in which case a small charge will be made for returning thr money. Orders, enclosing the money, not exceeding $5, will be carried free; over that amount will be charged one quarter less than our regular tariff rates for packages of same amount. We charge no cartage, or make any extra charge over our regular rates for this class of business. Orders for Goods to be shipped otherwise than by Express must be accompanied by the money when the amount does not exceed $5 ; over that amount, as parties may choose -- if not, the purchase will be made and goods forwarded as per directions, consigned to our Agent, to whom the invoice will be sent by express, to be collected on delivery of Goods. For carrying these orders, and making returns, when collections of from two to five per cent. will be charged, according to amount and class of purchase, trouble in making it, and for carting and shipping the Goods. Amounts enclosed must be marked on outside, and addressed as below. When addressed to parties from whom you wish to purchase, there is a very apt to be a delay in packing or shipping; also, instead of sending for our wagons, they employ and charge you drayage. This difficulty is all obviated by sending directly to us. Purchases will be made from whoever you direct, same as if you send to them. Address orders to CHAS. FARGO, Detroit ; J. Q. STARTING, Chicago ; and JOHN A. MOTT, Milwaukee. We respectfully solicit your business, Yours, &c. Livingston, Fargo & Co., PROPRIETORS OFFICE OF THE AMERIAN EXPRESS COMPANY, Chicago, October 1st, 1858

Last edit 2 months ago by RobertMyers
Needs Review


J. W. Tymeson Maine

[partial postmark] CH 1 1858 Ill

[written] Jno. A. Kennicott Esq Grove Nersery West Northfield Cook Co Ills

[page turned] [Am'n?] Express

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