Milwaukee Nov. 30th 1857
Dear Sir
I have had the same difficulties
in reconciling the notes of Mr Bond, and also
of the Pacific Rail road Expedition on the
route from St Cloud to Red River. I can
only account for it on the supposition
that there is more than one road -
We crossed Sauk river twice; first two miles
from St Cloud & again at Richmond 5 miles
above Cold Spring. Several other streams
are crossed; they are head waters of the
clear water river, or of Tributaries of the
Minnesota. The township line surveys
are now extended over most of this
region so we shall soon know how
the land & river lie.
The Granite rocks are first met near
St Cloud & Continue to about 3 miles above
Cold Spring - It must have been here
that you saw them. They appear in
greater force on the S. side of the Sauk river
between St Cloud & Cold Spring. I found
Evidence of limestone in the valleys
between the ranges of primary rocks:
and these rocks by decay afford good soil.
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