



Status: Needs Review

[circled] 37

St. Cloud – 70 miles north of St Pauls' –
on the Miss Riv - July August 5th /

My Dear Mother

Hurrah! for
hunting and hunters fare
Ive had a jolly time since
leaving St Pauls –

I found the cheapest way to
go to Pembina – where I have now
determined to go – was to buy horse
& cart & outfit – so Iv got Mr
Kittson to help me and he let
me have a good tough horse that
has been over the road six times! and
goes at it like an old stager – no
need of much guiding, only have to
whip hard – I bought a real
Pembina cart – two two wheels
six or 7 feet in diameter – made rather
clumsily – and not one scrap nor bit
of iron in the whole blessed concern

My horse cart and harness costs me
a trifle over $200. Mr Kittson agrees
to take the horse and harness when I
return at $135. and the cart is worth
another v –

I bought a pair 3 pt M blankets cost me $10
and a smaller blkt & a buffalo robe these with

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

3/22/2024 Initial review complete. CE
No action.