



Status: Needs Review

the Insects have not been before described.
If you will collect all the Orthoptera, Hemiptera
and Neuroptera that you can get your hands on
and send them to me after the season is over
I shall be greatly obliged to you.

Many of the kinds of Libellulides that I before
recieved through your kindness were very desi=
=rable, some I think new, I should like very mu=
=ch to have more of the same kinds Viz. The
one with a small brown spot against the base of
the posterior wings, the one abundant upon lake
Michigan, and in particular all kinds of Agrion
Fab, those commonly called darning needles by
the common people.

Very Sincerely Yours
Philip R. Uhler,

N.B. I do not think you will be able to keep
Neuroptera in any kind of proper condition in bags
if you have but little space, but in saw dust,
or chaff by covering them entirely they will do well.

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The Grove National Historic Landmark

3/14/2024 Initial review complete. CE
No action.