


Needs Review


May [illegible]d/57 Spring Garden P.O. Philada

Robert. K.

Having learnt while in Chicago last that you either was (or was a Candidate for) a Professor of Zoology, which is all well enough if you are ambitious for that branch of knowledge. The thought occurred to me, whether as a part of that Professorship it was proper for you to be able to explain not only the Phisical formation and structure of Insects. Birds and Animals but also whether there was not a higher and more usefull explanation demanded of you as a

Last edit 3 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


Professor of Zoology by the "Uses and purposes" of the Creation of all these various Phases of Life and what portion of the Economy of Nature these Insects and Insect life fill in the Great field of Universall Life and Progress, for instance what, for were the to us, most loothsome Inse'cts created? and what use on economy of Nature do they occupy.

It appears to me that the solution of these questions, are greater than I count their Bones, wings, or food. We, beleive God created all things for "specific purposes"

Last edit 3 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


the Sphere of Cause that are producing these out= =ward effects, are invisible, or beyond, or above either term, may be used, that suit you Best - By extending the mind into the Sphere of Cause, all these outward effect are easy of exploration and all Teachers should be able to lift the veil, for any fool may see the effects if he will use his eyes. The veil of cause requiring the existence of Insects. Birds and Animals and their uses in the Economy of nature, please explain at your earliest leisure.


Last edit 3 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


These questions that I ask are very important ones and would not be asked by me if I thought I could not answer them myself to your entire satisfaction. Possibly the answers are also well known to you if so please give me them as I am also a learner.

The windows of Heaven are again open and wisdom and knowledge freely is important to all who seek and all who need it. most persons are too wise allready to desire light from above, preferring that light obtaind from the Earth only. Our Earth is only a Sphere of effects

Last edit 3 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
Needs Review


and "specific uses". Now please inform yourself and me what specific purpose and uses each form of Insect or Bird or Animal life occupy and assist in accomplishing the great End of their, and of all Creation, and what were they Created for.

D. Professor of Chemistry and writer for Agricultural works and a Believer of Spiritual Truths, has lately, in his writings given a clue or step toward answering the question and these are questions we are not forbid knowing except by our Ignorance of Gods laws in Nature laws of true progression.

Last edit 3 months ago by The Grove National Historic Landmark
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