Gowanda Nov 1. 1853
Dear Bob.-
I have had your letter a week or so and would have answered it before but I have been very busy at work on the farm which by the way is no excuse so it is nothing but lazyness that I have to offer. We have picked about one hundread bush apples and gathered in all about three hundread and have enough left to make thirty or fourty barrels cider we let out the cider apples so that will be no trouble to us, our corn is all in nothing but the potatoes to dig out will have about thre hundread bushels [illegible] & so when they are dry then will be no work but getting logs and
and tending to the lumber that will be plesant work although rather hard.
I am in the store now for a few days perhaps you will see Father at your place in a few days he will go if the business will allow, it is rather necessary for him to go if it is possible.
The weather is very fine now clear and bright the nights are very cold and clear dark (this last night)
I have just recd a letter from that best of all girls Bell it is full of all good things she is a noble girl so is Kelly you lost a great deal in not seeing them this summer but I hope you will go south in a few years the sooner the better. What are you driving at now? please write to me often so that I may know what's going on at your house there is lots of parties &c here two or three every week there has been seven wedings here within the past two or three weeks. There is a debateing school - writing school and a dancing school the last not begun yet, I suppose you are death in that.
I have been all day writing this at odd spells as I could get them. Every body well at our house. Poor old Aunt Hill is now very sick we have fears for her life Mother is just going down now, she sends love
Write a little quicker than I have. Good bye Wm. Welch
R.W. Kennicott)