t.W B-1-7-4
to kill and murder in the first degree
And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath afore-
said do say that one Newton & Wright, Henry Wright
& Joseph W Oneil on the Said Twenty fifth day
November in the year of our lord eighteen hundred
and forth nine with force and armes in the county
of Carroll aforesaid felouiously wilfully malici-
ously premeditately deliberately and of their mal-
ice aforethought were present aiding helping
abeting comforting assisting advising couseling
and maintaining the Said Abraham M Thomas in
the felonious intent and attempt to murder in the
first degree afore said to do and commit and
so the Grand Jurors aforesaid upon their oath
upon said do say that the said Abraham M Thomas
Newton E. [Wright] Henry Wright nd Joseph W. Oneal
the said Joshua Swayne in the manner & by the
means aforesaid feloniously wilfully maliciously
deliberately premeditately and of their malice
aforethought did assault shoot penetrate and
wound with intent him the Said Joshua Swayne
felously wilfully maliciously deliberately pre -
- mediately and of their malice aforethought to kill
& murder in the first degree contrary to the form
of the statue in such cases made and provided
and against the peace and dignity of the State
John A Rogers attorney
General of the 9th Judicial
Circuit of the State of Tennessee
Endorsed on the back - Joshuay Swayne prose-
cuter - Joshua Swayne, Henry Lankford Mason
Lankford, Washington Covington, Luke Thomas Sr. Timothy
Barham, Joel R Smith, C B Roger, John Swayne John
L Hagler Calvin [...] Venable GeorgeW Conner John M
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