[...] [...]. B-1-7-4. 1851
State of Tennessee September Term Circuit Court Carroll County A.D. 1857
The Grand Jurors of this State of Tennessee elected empaneled sworn &charged to inquire in and for the body of the county of Carroll aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid present that Abraham M. Thomas late of said county laborer on the twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred & forty nine with force and armed in the County of Carroll aforesaid feloneously, wilfully, maliciously, deliberately, premeditately, and of his mallice aforethought with a certain Pistol of the value of five dollars then & there loaded and charged with gunpowder and a leaden bullett which he the said Abraham M. Thomas in his hand then and there had & held in and [words missing] body of one Joshua Swayne in the peace of God and our said State then and there being feloniously, wilfully maliciously deliberatly premeditately and of his malice afore thoughts an assault did make by then & there presentings fixing and discharging said Pistol so loaded and charged as aforesaid to at against and upon the body head and left arm of him the said Joshua Swayne with in the distance said Pistol would carry and then and there with the Pistol afore said so loaded and charged as aforesaid filoniously wilfully maliciously deliberately preme - ditately and of his malice aforethought Shooting penetrating and wounding him the Said Joshua Swayne in and upon the back part of the left arm of him the Said Joshua Swayne with intent him the Said Joshua Swayne with the pistol So loaded and charged as aforesaid feloniously wilfully maliciously deliberately premeditatedly and of his malice afore thought
t.W B-1-7-4
to kill and murder in the first degree
And the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do say that one Newton & Wright, Henry Wright & Joseph W Oneil on the Said Twenty fifth day November in the year of our lord eighteen hundred and forth nine with force and armes in the county of Carroll aforesaid felouiously wilfully maliciously premeditately deliberately and of their malice aforethought were present aiding helping abeting comforting assisting advising couseling and maintaining the Said Abraham M Thomas in the felonious intent and attempt to murder in the first degree afore said to do and commit and so the Grand Jurors aforesaid upon their oath upon said do say that the said Abraham M Thomas Newton E. [Wright] Henry Wright nd Joseph W. Oneal the said Joshua Swayne in the manner & by the means aforesaid feloniously wilfully maliciously deliberately premeditately and of their malice aforethought did assault shoot penetrate and wound with intent him the Said Joshua Swayne felously wilfully maliciously deliberately pre - - mediately and of their malice aforethought to kill & murder in the first degree contrary to the form of the statue in such cases made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the State
John A Rogers attorney
General of the 9th Judicial
Circuit of the State of Tennessee
Endorsed on the back - Joshuay Swayne prosecuter - Joshua Swayne, Henry Lankford Mason Lankford, Washington Covington, Luke Thomas Sr. Timothy Barham, Joel R Smith, C B Roger, John Swayne John L Hagler Calvin [...] Venable GeorgeW Conner John M
Welch, John Crockett. Thomas James, Price Edington & John Stewart witnesses sworn in open court & sent to the Grand Jury to give evidence on this bill of Indictment September 3rd 1857
John Norman Clerk A True Bill as to Abraham M Thomas & Newton [illegible] Wright John Mebone foreman of the Grand Jury - and not a true bill as to Henry Wrig - ht & Joseph W Obal John Mebone foreman of the Grand Jury
State of Tennessee I John Norman Clerk of the Circuit Carrol County Court for Said County do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true & perfect, transcript of a bill of Indictment found [illegible] Grand Jury at the September Term 1857 of the circuit Court for Carroll County Tennessee against Abraham M Thomas & Newton [C] Wright fr an assault with intent to commit Murder as the same remains now of record in my office
In testimony where of I have here unto sit my hand & affixed the Seat of Said Court at office in Huntington this 18th day of September 1857 John Norman Clerk
To his excelency William Trousdale Governor or the state of Tennessee Sir
You will find upon [illegible] the within that a true live has been found against Abraham Thomas and Newton E Wright for an assault with intent to murder in the first degree upon the body and person of Joshua Swayne. The assault was attended with circumstances of a very [agrevative] nature, and the prosecuter is induced to believe from the character of Newton E Wright where is [illegible] summary [at] large in [illegible] city Kentucky [illegible] his life will and cannot be [illegible] untill he is [illegible] by the[illegible] authority of the county, he [illegible] wishes you be make a demand of our this Governor of said State for this said Newton E Wright, that he may be delivered to the sheriff of Carroll county where this offence was commited. The name of the sheriff is John [Bayses]
John A Rogers attorney general of this [illegible] circuit
Newton E. Wright