March 1934
Nos. 69-113
Human Sacrifices in the Sadiya Frontier Tract. (Maintenance of certain tracks in the Sadiya Frontier Tract.)
[Left hand of page]
Department, date and Nos. or File No. and year. | Brief Title of File. |
1. Immge., A, June 1932, Nos. 117-140 | ...... |
2. Pol., A, Sep. 1931, Nos. 1-9 | ...... |
3. Confdl. .Pol., A. June 1926, Nos. 1-37. | ...... |
4. Pol., A, Feb 1922, Nos. 54-74. | ...... |
5. Pol., B, June 1923, Nos. 891-896 | ...... |
6. Ditto, B, Sep., 1923, Nos. 343-347. | ...... |
7. Ditto, B, June 1924, Nos. 857-862 | ...... |
8. Ditto, B, June 1924, Nos. 857-862 | ...... |
9. Ditto, B, Sep. 1924, Nos. 561-565. | ....... |
10. Pol., A, June 1928, Nos. 3-35 | ...... |
11. Ditto, A, Sep. 1928, Nos. 1-64 | ...... |
12. Ditto. A, Mar. 1929, Nos. 1-30. | ...... |
13. Pol., B, Mar. 1927, Nos. 1397-1398 | ...... |
14. Deposit, P, Sep., 1929, No. 46. | ...... |
15. Confdl., Pol., A, Sep. 1929, Nos. 1-11. | ...... |
16. Ditto, A, Dec. 1929, Nos. 13d-143. | ....... |
17. Ditto, A, Dec. 1929, Nos. 237-244. | ...... |
18. Ditto, A, June 1930, No 9. | ...... |
19. File No. 40J. of 1885. | ...... |
20. File No. 21J. of 1885. | ...... |
21. Fin., B, Sep. 1925, Nos. 1476-1484. | .... |
22. Ditto. B, Mar. 1926, Nos. 1454-1460. | ...... |
23. Pol, B, Sep,. 1930, Nos. 412-448. | ...... |
Nos. 69-113.
Human Sacrifices in the Sadiya Frontier Tract.
(Maintenance of certain tracks in the Sadiya Frontier Tract.)
No. 69. | —Extract from the tour diary of the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, for the month of October 1931 |
No. 70. | — To the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No pol. 2310/799(4?)A. P., dated the 30th November 1931. |
No. 71. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronteir Tract, No. 1543-G./VIII-3, dated the 11th December 1931. |
No. 72. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. 1597-G./VIII-3, dated the 22nd December 1931. |
Nos. 73 & 74. | — Enclosures. |
No. 75. | — To the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. Pol. 2567/23 A.P., dated the 4th January 19 2. |
No. 76. | — To the Foriegn Secretary to the Government of India, Cheif Secretary to the Government of (Barma?) No. Pol. 2567/417-18 A.P., dated the 15th Jauary 1932. |
No. 77. | — Enclosure. |
No. 78 | — Extract from tour diary of the political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, for December 1931. |
No. 79. | —From the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No 1832-G. /xIX-11. dated the 28th January 1932. |
No. 80. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. 1978-G./VIII-3, dated the 12th February 1932. |
No. 81. | — Extract from the tour diary of the Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, for January 1932. |
No. 82. | — From the Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign and Political Department, No. F. 225-X/31, dated the 16th February 1932 |
No. 83 | — From the Poltical Officer Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. 199G./VIII-1, dated the 29th April 1932. |
Nos. 84 & 85. | — Enclosures. |
[left page]
[left hand side]
Department, Date, and NOS. | Brief Title of File. |
No. 86. | — To the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronteir Tract, No. pOL.-1430/1232 A.P., dated the 26th May 1932. |
No. 87. | — Enclosure |
No. 88. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronteir Tract, No. 40[8?]- G/ viii-1,dated the 2nd June 1932. |
No. 89. | — To the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronteir Tract, No.Pol.-1675/4541 A.P., dated the 15th June 1932. |
No. 90. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronteir Tract, No.453-G./XIV-1, dated the 14th June 1932. |
No. -91. | — From the Poltical Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, 454-G./XIV-1, dated the 14th June 1932. |
No 92. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. 694-G /XIV-1, dated the 2nd August 1932. |
No. 93. | — To the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. Pol.-1766/8114 A.P., dated teh 13th August 1932. |
No. 94. | — Memorandum to the Public Works Department of the Government, No. Pol.-1766/8115A. P., dated the 13th August 1932 |
No. 95. | — From the Politica Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. 7[88?]-G./VIII-1, dated the 22nd August 1932. |
No. 96. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No/ 875-G./VIII-1, dated the 22nd August 1932. |
No. 97. | — Extract from the tour diary of Political Officer, Sadiya, for October 1932. |
No. 98. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. G./XIV-1, dated the December 1932. |
No. 99. | — To the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No.[??] Pol.-2923/11275 A. P., dated the 16th December 1932. |
No. 100. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. 14[??]7 G./XIV-1, dated the 9th January 1933. |
No. 101. | — Enclosure. |
No.102 | — To the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronteir Tract, No Pol-73/1262 A.P., dated the 11th February 1933. |
No.103. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronteir Tract, No. 1753-G./XIV-1, dated the 3rd March 1933. |
No.104. | —Enclosure. |
No.105. | — To the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronteir Tract, No. Pol.-656/4144 A.P., dated the 22nd May 1933. |
No. 106. | — Memorandom to Comptroller, Assam, No.4145 A.P., dated the 22nd May 1933. |
No. —107. | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronteir Tract, No. 362G./X/ IV-3, dated the 7th June 1933. |
No. 108. | — To the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. Pol.-1632/4/ 863 A.P., — dated the 30th June 1933. |
[left hand side]
Department, Date, and NOS. | Brief Title of File. |
No. 109 | — Memorandum to the Comptroller, Assam, No. Pol.-1692/4864 A.P., dated the 30th June 1933. |
No. 110 | — From the Political Officer, Sadiya Frontier Tract, No. 586 R./I—10, dated the 4th December 1933. |
No. 111 | — Enclosure. |
No. 112 | To the Political Officer, Sadiya Fronter Tract, No. 46 R./I—10, datd the 4th December 1934. |
No. 113 | Memorandum to Comptroller, Assam, No. Pol.-93/267 A.P., dated the 17th January 1934. |
[Left page] blank
[Right page] NOTES POLITICAL - A, MARCH 1934 Nos 60-113
Human Sacrifices in the Sadiya Frontier Tract (Maintenance of certain tracks in the Sadiya Frontier Tract)
Dear Cosgrave. (Demi-official No. 914-G.) I want to refer to you again to the Rangpang Nagan. The open season is now approaching and very shortly preparations will have to be taken in hand for such measures as Government approves in this area. To leave it till Furze has arrived will make the season a very short one, for the working out of the programme of transportm etc, will take time.
Considering the cirmcumstances, I think it would be far too hard on the villages concerned to visit them in destructive punitive lines, i.e., the destroying of crops and burning houses. I am convinced that constructive punitive measures will have the best and most lasting effect, i.e., the development of paths by punitive labour.
If destructive punishment is to be administered by a [promenade] of the Assam Rifles, the time for it is in November when the crops are about to be harvested. This will necessitate the enlistment of a large number of extra coolies and the establishment of ration dumps. The preliminaries would have to be undertaken from the end of this month.
If on the other hand constructive punishment is to be enforced. I again press that the policy projected by Mr. O'Callaghan in his No.2401 G./VIII-4 of 25th March 1926, be adopted and given a definite continuity. In order to do this the Assam Rifles post would have to be moved back to North Tirap at no cost to and this post used as the base for the path and patrols. A [gazetted] officer should be on tour there most of the season. There would be available Political Officer, 2 Assistant Political Officers and Commandant and 1 Assistant Commandant at one time or another, at no extra cost to the Government. But preferably, one office should be stationed there whilst the post is out.
These are my own ideas so perhaps it would facilitate matters if I come up to Shillong; for a disussion of the circumstances might clarify the situation and condition prevailing.
7th September 1931. J.H. CRACE
His Exellency, I submit for His Excellency's perusal and orders a demi-official letter, dated 7th September from Mr. Crace, Sadiya Frontier Tract. I see no necessity to call up Mr. Crace for a conference to Shillong, and suggest that he be informed that his Excellency His Ecellency considers this unnecessary.
[left margin] Yes.-L. H.- 1231.
2. I have discussed the case again with Mr. O'Callaghan, Inspector General of Police, who knows the country intimately. He agrees entirely that the punishment should not be destructive but constructive, i.e., there is no advantage in destroying crops and burning houses, but after the crops have been reaped the Nagas of their villages with the site of the North Tirap post.
If His Exellency will kindly look at map No. 83 M./S., Square S.F., he will see a blue pencil cross which shows the site of the post which Mr. Crace in his letter calls North Tirap. It will be noticed that this point is only some 5 miles east of the Dibru-Sadiya Railway siding leading to the Tipang colliery up to which some point troops and stores can be moved by rail. When Mr. O'Callaghan was Political Officer, Sadiya, he constructed the path marked in blue leading from Tipang through North Tirap south-easterly towards Machum outpost. The village Manmao at which two human sacrifices within the last few years is only 4 or 5 miles due south of North Tirap, and it will be noticed from the red dotted line on the map that there is already a village path connecting those two places. Probably the first work to be exacted in the shape of punitive labour by the Political Officer, Sadiya from the villages which have committed human sacrifices will be the improvement of this existing path between North Tirap oupost and Manmao. Later on it will be desirable to open up paths connecting Manmao with the other villages in the Namchik valley due south of Manmao.
3. Mr Furze's leave expires on November 7th, so he should be at Sadiya by the middle of November. Personally I would feel inclined to leave the punishment of these Nagas round Manmao until Mr. Fruze returns from leave and can go there early in December. One reason for my recommendation is that the Puja holidays fall in the second fortnight of October whe nas many men of the Assam Rifles as possible are allowed to remain at headquarters. Inspector General of Police suggests that Mr. Crace should go out with a platoon immediately after the Puja holidays to North Tirap and annunce Government's ordesr there. If Inspector General of Police's suggestion is given effect to, Mr. Crace will have to pay a very fleeting visit to North Tirap so as to get
[page] 2 back in time to Sadiya when he is relieved by Mr. Furze. He will not be able to visit many of the villages which committed human sacrifice, and the villagers will not be available for work on the new bridle-path if they are to be allowed, as suggested above, to reap their crops when they are ripe in Novemeber. Orders are therefore required as to whether Mr. Crace should go out to North Tirap immediately after the Pujas or whether this work should be left over for Mr. Furze to carry out immediately after he rejoins from leave.
I may mention that at present the Political Officer, Sadiya, has only one Assistant Political Officer at Sadya, namely [Kevi Chura] Angami. I am submitting seperately proposals that Mr. Lambert, Assistant Superintent Police, should go to Sadiya as Assistant Political Officer about the beginning of November. If this s approved, the Political Oficer will have two Assistants at Sadiya, and Mr. Kevi [Chera] Angami could probably be spared to spend sometime in supervising the construction of the new bridle-paths after Political Officer has paid a preliminary visit to the locality and arranged for the post of the guard at North Tirap.
11th September 1931. W. A. COSGRAVE.
I agree. The setout punishment in shape of hard work for some weeks can await Mr. Furze's return and take the form suggested by Inspector General of [Padjon}. Please inform Mr. Crace accordingly.
11th September 1931. L. H[AMMOND]. Draft please to Political Officer, Sadiya. 12th September 1931. W. A. COSGRAVE.
Under Secretary, Order Above. Draft demi official to Political Officer, Sadiya, for approval. Durga—14th September 1931. N. Sen.—16th September 1981.
Chief Secretary, 14th September 1931. S. GOHAIM. 14th September 1931. W. A. COSGRAVE.
My dear Crace (Demi official) No. [Pol.1906-3740A.P.], I am desired to refered to your demi-official No. 914G. of [7th] instant regarding human sacrifices by the Rangpang Nagas, an to say that His Excellency in Council does not consider it necessary for you to come up to Shillong for a conference. He has decided that the actual punishment to be indicted on the offending villages in the shape of hard work for some weeks can await Furze's return, and that the punishment should not be destructive but constructive, [i.e.], there is no advanage in destroying crops and burning houses, but after the crops have been reaped the Nagas of the villages concerned in the human sacrifice, should be employed for some time wihtout payment on constructing bridle-paths connecting Ma[smaw] and other villages with the site of the North Tirap post.
15th September 1937. W. A. COSGRAVE.
[right hand side of page] [Pol. D ??? Nos. ??]
[left hand side of page] Extract from Diary Pol. / 2391 of 1931 regarding theft of [radio].
1. The punishment for human sacrifice, I thought, was not yet concluded and there was to be punishment work started this cold weather.
We can also ask Mr. Furze what action he prepared to take in inflicting communal punishment, [vide] our letter No. 34C.S. of 14th June 1931. Apparently three men refused to come in. They should be arrested and sentenced to imprisonment if possible. [25th] November, 1931. L. H[AMMOND].
Under Secretary,
Paragraph 1. —His Excellency is correct. Paragraph 2.— A draft's put up.
From Mr. Crace's letter No. 654-G/VIII—3, dated 16th July 1931, in Political A, September [1932, May 1-12], it will be [?] that all the second, except one very old and infirm man, came in and was sentenced to hard labour at Sadiya.
Durga—15th November 1931. N. Sen—15th November 1931.
Chief Secretary. [?][and is proposed. [?] November [1931]. S. GOHAIN.
[right page] 3 Issue draft, and resubmit please.
29th November 1931. G. E. SOAMES
His Excellency's orders of 26th November 1931.
The Political Officer's letter of 16th July 1931 in Political. A. September 1931, No. 1.19 shows that of 4 men who did not come in at first, 3 came in at later and were sentenced, while the 4th was excused on account of his old age and infirmity.
9th December 1931. G. E. SOAMES. 10th December 1931. L. H[AMMOND].
Under Secretary,
Sanction to bring under administation the portion of the Sadiya Frontier Tract lying to the South of the Lakhimpur Frontier Trust was accorded in our letter No. Pol.1087-2813A.P., dated 23rd June 1923, in Political, B, June, 1924, No. 855-853. We have not been able to trace any paper regarding the proposal to appoint Bisa Yong as Political [Jamadar].
As regards the administation of the area referred to above and the proposal to have a new subdivision of Lakhimpur kindly see Political Officer, Sadiya's letter No. 284.0., dated 5th May 1928 and Deputy Commissioner, Lakhimpur's No. 2059-G, dated the 26th April 1928 in Political, A; June 1928, No. 3-35. In this connection a reference is also invited to Chief Secretary's note of 10th May 1928 and his Excellency's order of 11th May 1928 in Political, B, June 1928, No. 375 and also to paragraph 4 of Chief Secretary's note, dated 4th April 1929, at page 6 of notes in Political, A, June 1920, No. 162-190.
Durga — 21st December 1931. N. Sen — 21st December 1931.
Chief Secretary, 21st December 1921. S. GOHAIN.
There is only one point on which Mr. Furze asks for orders and that is the one mentioned at the end of his letter. On that there is no note.
I presume there is no objection to Mr. Furze's proposal. 21st December 1931. G. E. SOAMES.
Under Secretary, In addition to the point referred to by Chief Secretary in his order of 21st December 1931, Mr Furze asks Government orders as to the future of this portion of the frontier. He has dealt with this point at length, but could not suggest anything definitely and ended saying "In any case a beginning will be made in improving existing Naga tracks and enforcing on villages the necessity of annual jungle cutting and maintenance". Office thought that some orders are required on this point, but was unable to suggest any.
[left margin] It was submited for orders if Government would receive the question as to the arrangements for the control of this area or [only] final decision on the general question as to the future of the [Backwood] Tracks [in Assam]— N.S. — 22-12-[1931]
2. As the villages concerned are within the administered area there is no objection to Mr. Furze's proposal in the concluding paragraph of his letter No. 1543-G, dated 11th December 1931. As regards the slave trade a reference is invited to our confidential letter No. [Pol.888-1366A.P.], dated 11th March 1926 in confidential Political, A, June 1926, No. [38-82]. In paragraph 3 of this letter we reported to India that slave trade did not exist anywhere in the directly administered areas. But from the declaration* made by Sir William Vincent in the Assembly of the League of Nations it will appear that his signature is not binding as regards the enforcement of the provisions of Article 2 of the Slavery Convention in the Sadiya Frontier Tract. Darga — 22nd December 1931. N. Sen — 22nd December 1931.
[left hand margin] * Page [43] of Pol, A, Sep. 1927, [Nos. 63-74.]
Chief Secretary, 22nd December 1931. S. GOHAIN.
His Excellency,
Mr. Furze's letter No. 1343.G/VIII-3, dated 11th December 1931 is submitted. The propsal at the end of his letter may be approved.
As regards the improvement of control over the area in question, Mr. Furze is unable at the moment to suggest anything.
The office note of 21st December 1931 gives reference to previous discussions regarding the formation of a subdivision but that must be left to the future.
22nd December 1931. G. E. SOAMES.