


Copy for Mrs. W-


Mr. A. J. T. Taylor, Bank of Hamilton Building, Toronto, Canada.

Dear Mr. Taylor:-

Everything has gone along very smoothly here.

Have purchased from Lowman & Hanford adequate scientific instruments and from Schwabacher Hardware Company a gun, ammunition and clothing for my personal needs. I have purchased this here because I was not sure that I could get what I wanted in Nome, where I will secure the balance of the outfit required for the Wrangel Island trip.

Mr. Turner, the Vancouver representative of the Canadian Press came over to see me the other evening, he having received instructions from the Head Office, in Toronto. He was exceedingly enthusiastic and told me he would wire Livesay, advising him to close the contract with you. I believe the newspaper rights should be worth at least $3,000. However, it is up to you to get as much for them as you can.

Regarding Stefansson's request that I should give out an interview to the effect that I will stay on Wrangel, myself, in case Knight or Maurer are not able to remain, I do not feel justified in giving out such an interview. However, without comitting myself definitely, I think I can word it so that the same meaning might be inferred.

Regarding plans for the trip — it is still too early for me to have formulated complete plans, for I do not know exactly what sort of a contract Lowman has made with Allen. However, I do not think it advisable to leave Nome unless the ship is outfitted for one year.

I intend to go from Nome across to East Cape, Siberia, and then if the Season is an exceptionally open one will try for the direct route to Wrangel, but in case I meet much ice will follow the Siberian Coast northward to North Cape, where I will land a Depot, to fall back on in case of shipwreck, for I shall spare no effort to get to Wrangel. If


Mr. A. J. Taylor -2. .

I do not find the men on the Siberian Coast, I shall strike North for Wrangel. In case I meet with absolutely impenetrable ice, say 30 or 40 miles off from Wrangel, I will send the vessel back to North Cape from there, while I, myself, with a party of Eskimos, will travel the remaining distance over the ice to Wrangel, using for this purpose sleds and dogs, hauling Eskimo skin boats. I will be able to take sufficient food and equipment to last me and party on Wrangel until the ice becomes hard enough (probably sometime in November), to cross back to Siberia. I have used this method very successfully on a number of occasions, and have no doubt that I shall have little difficulty in reaching Wrangel by this method.

Upon reaching Wrangel I shall make a search for the men there, establishing temporary Winter quarters and then go back to Siberia.

I do not think there is any possibility of any of the men now on Wrangel staying another Winter, and of course, I cannot afford to do that. Of course, if I am able to get to Wrangel, without any trouble by boat, Knight may possibly decide to stay another year, for I would be able to give him, and perhaps an Eskimo family (some of the Eskimos I shall take with me from Nome), sufficient provisions for two (2) years.

Please wire me at Nome, regarding my making a tentative contract with Eskimos to stay with Knight or Maurer.

The sailing of the "VICTORIA" has been postponed until 5 o'clock to-day (Friday), so I will not reach Nome until the 16th.

My shoulder is getting along very nicely and I anticipate no trouble whatever with it.

With sincere regards to yourself and Anderson, I am,

Yours truly,


Date: 1923-07-06

Document Type: Letter

Author 1: Noice, Harold

Author 2:

Author 3:

Author 4:

Recipient 1: Taylor, Alfred James Towle

Recipient 2:

Recipient 3:

Recipient 4:

Document Title: Letter from Harold Noice to Alfred J. T. Taylor, 06 July 1923

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