146 [numbers in red pencil, upper right corner] dabal 1, a bone dabbarmallang 1, mob of natives dabbugarra 1, to bury; to plant dabbungung 1, father dabburang 1, pipe-clay dabuan 1, small kind of leeches daddirra 1, to be filled, satisfied daddur 1, curdled dagagualbirang 1, stranger daggal 1, cheeks daggalbuddi 1, bushy whiskers daggan 1, sticking fast, like bark when not splitting well. 86683 [in pencil at bottom of page]
147 daggarang 1, wood-worm dagol 1, jaw bone dagu 1, dung, dirt dagui 1, a shadow dagun 1, ground, soil, when ? dagunbil 1, a dirty fellow dagunbilmarra 1, to make dirty dagundu 1, where to ? dagunmar 1, a grave dahri kerri 11, these daiangun 1, forward daiba 1, voluptuous