



Status: Complete


Friday Lillian Hamley gone as general
17th servant to Mrs George White of Bourke
at 7/- per week.
[Deleted Saturday] Rev.d C. F. Garnsey conducted service

Saturday 8pupils
18th Sub Matron left this morning for
a couple of days change.
Laundress out for the afternoon
Kate Spragg asked admission and
was received.

19th Mr Hopkins conducted morng service
Mr Armstrong afternoon Do
The officers out to their usual services

20th Sub Matron returned this morning
to her duties

Tuesday 12 pupils
21st Ladies Sub Committee
Kate Spragg admitted N.J.Drew
spoken to upon the completion of her
eighteen months and a situation
awaiting her.

Wednesday 12 pupils
22nd Maggie Graham asked admission
and was received

Thursday 12 pupils
23rd Gentlemens Committee
Mr Alfred took constructed eveng service

Friday 11 pupils
24th Rev.d C. F. Garney conducted service
Harriett Powell a young girl of 15 years
brought by her father who can do nothing
with her.
12 pupils

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