Volume 2: Daily journal book, 30 September 1864-22 October 1870






Nov. 20th Sunday No minister this morn. Matron read 3rd & 4th Chapters St John - and after singing and prayer three of the best readers were selected to assist her in teaching those who could not. 2 oclock Revd. Brickford proposed holding Service in the open air. Forms were placed under the trees. and after reading 3rd Chap. St John to the 17th verse - he questioned them upon each verse. expounding the same as he went on. they were all attentive.

Monday Have been obliged to put Fanny Quin in the 21st laundry, as manager! for a few days. whilst the ships washing is on hand.

Teusday Ladies sub.comt 22nd Catherine Ricards sent away for using lude and bad language.

Wedensday Fanny Quinn has done great service 23rd in the laundry, not only doing the washing well but in economizing with soap etc - and getting them to burn up cinders & rubbish.

Thursday 24th Mr Blain called, offering to hold service, could not accept this eve. because Mr Armstrong had promised, but arranged for next Monday eve., all well, 9 oclk. Mr A dissapointed us, during the eve. Jane Hopkins had been speaking against our blessed Lord and savior "that he was nothing more than any other carpenter making tables & stools " &c The Matron having to conduct eve. prayers selected the hymn "Jesus and shall it ever be,

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Kayde



Nov. 24th Thursday A mortal man ashamed of thee" &c &c. Sally Day begd. [begged] hard to be re admitted. said she was a first rate needle woman. That she wished to give up lead. [leading] a bad life - she was taken into the din. [dining] room, had tea, she then requested Matron to let her out, as she found no tobaco [tobacco] was allowed.

Friday Mrs I. Dawson made several usefull [useful] sugestions [suggestions], whilst 25th inspecting the Refuge. Mrs Reid visited in the aftern. [afternoon] & spent an hour at the school.

Saturday 26th The weeks work finished satisfactorly [satisfactorily]. [Mr C.?] Caldwell visited in the aftern.

Sunday The inmates clean and orderly attended 27th service conducted by Revd. Mills in the morng & in the aftern. [afternoon] by Capt Williams.

Monday 28th

Tuesday Nelly Burningham laid the table for the inmates breakfast 29th & dissapeared, taking Refuge clothes with her. she was last seen in com. [committee] room. Matron seeing she was absent when the rest were assembled for morn. prayers enquired for, then sent one to her bedroom & another to the dry. [drying] ground, but she was not to be found. Sent Mrs A to inform the Police. Ladies Sub Com. Matron to go (by permission) to see her sick daughter started 6 oclock eve.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Kayde



Nov. Wedensday [Wednesday] 30th. Matron returned 1/4 past 9 oclock morn. [morning] called at ShoeShop King St about the inmates shoes on her way home.

Thursday Dec 1st Found that Jane Dillon and Rosa Williams had gone out of the Refuge during the night & returned at day break. then going to bed and at breakfast time faining [feigning] sickness when they were taxed about it, Rosa was very voilent [violent] refusing to work. Mrs T. Smith consented to letting her out, at her own request. - she is said to be one of the greatest fighters in Sydney. Eliz Davies askd admission - then went to Mr. Caldwell for a note. the Matron told her to fetch her Mother. as she did not do so, Matron went (directly after Mr Gully Missionary had finished. his address) to Wentworth Place Phillips St. to see her Mother. the Mother thinks its not the least use her coming in, untill [until] the fit is over that she seems mad. wont work. she found her on the race course beg. [begged] off a man to give her "three penorth of coppers to keep her off the streets" & the day before she stole half a soverign [sovereign] from her Mother. In returning from that visit found Nelly Burningham walked with her untill [until] came to a Police man, then gave her in charge - returned to the Refuge at 1/2 past 10 oclk, very much fatigued.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Kayde



Dec. 2nd Friday Ladies general committee. Mrs A went at 10 oclk [o'clock] to Police court to identify the Refuge clothes taken by Nelly & to state that the Matron would take her back if she would promise to be a better girl. Capt. Scott & Mr David Jones said unless she returned to where she was well treated, she must go to gail [jail] for at least three months, so she came back. but so dirty, her stockings sticking to her legs - sunburnt and half lost. she seems as though she had not had a wash or slept since she left here, her eye lashes are gone she says she "always looses them when she drinks."

Saturday 3rd. The Stewardess Steamer brought a girl from the "Maitland auxiliray" [auxiliary] she is almost blind, she falsified her name in order to induse [induce] Mrs Hills to pay her passage from Maitland to Sydney and said she had neither father nor Mother, she owns now that her father is in Maitland gail [jail] for 14 days for drunkeness & her Mother for 3 months. her little brother 5 years old is there, for protection. Caroline Warden alias Cath. Davies wrote to Mr Caldwell respecting the insecure walls. Matron out on business from three oclk till 1/4 to 6 oclk. Mrs D Royal Hote "has a good laundress" but [previous word deleted] but promised Matron to bear us in mind & would send sewing. Matron told her they would be glad of stockings to darn or any thing, however trifling or plain.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Kayde



Dec 4th Sunday Morn. service - Mr Howitt. after. Service Rev. Sellers. eve. Mr J. Mc.Coy. Matron went to church 7 oclk, taking Emma Locky with her. Agnes O'Brian hid herself in the drying ground, to evade attending morn. prayers.

5th Monday

6th Teusday, Jane Hopkins continues quarulsom, and will seldom obey orders unless Matron takes the trouble to ratify them Elizth. Griffiths made her escape last night. during the night [Previous three words crossed out] Lady Young visited and spoke kindly to several of the inmates. her lady ship regretted very much that there was no garden - and said she would send some flowers. Lady Taylor came with Lady Young.

7th Wedensday. Matron went 1/4 past 8 oclk to Glebe Road to consult with Mrs Goodlets respecting Jane Hopkins who has been cutting up Refuge sheets to make under clothing for herself, after due deliberation she was put in charge of Police.

8th Thursday Mrs Anderson and Mary Lorden went to police court against J. H. & she is to be imprisoned for 7 days. Mrs Brillat intrduced a lady (Mrs Patterson) from the bush, who was willing to take one of the inmates as general servant. 5 oclk matron went out to buy a hat each for Emma Locky & Elizth Adley & returned at ten

Last edit almost 2 years ago by ros
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