Thurs 12. Pottered. Went to bed early.
Fri. 13. Mother & I went to see movies at Kogarah. "Sunshine Susie" & "Downstairs".
Sat 14. See 21st
MEMO [no entry]
JANUARY, 1933.
Sun 15 At 11 went to Tossie. Eva & Vera also there as well as family. Then called on Inky & Mrs McLeod & all in pouring rain to K. Monypenny & home at 11.30.
Mon 16. Jack Maxwell came in morning & I stepped on chair & had hard blow on heart. Jock & Ruby came down at night again.
Tues 17. Left for Marulan with Aunt Martha. Metta, Lena Phillis & Rosemary saw us off. Pleasant journey - met by Edward. Had a good yarn & slept well. cold crisp weather.
Wed 18. [no entry]
Thurs 19. Mrs Seiler & Miss Macpherson from Hill Pk called.
Fri. 20. Fred Seiler came over & took us all to Hill Pk for day. Got cold. Ed. stayed at home
Sat. ̶2̶1̶ ̶ 14th Jack's birthday: He & Norman came home. Amy & May for supper Jack Maxwell & Ruby came later.
MEMO. [no entry]
JANUARY, 1933.
Sun. 22. Pottered about. Read a Maud Diver book called "Lonely Furrow".
Mon. 23. Wettish day. Ed & I went to Marulan in sulky. Seilers waited for me & took me to Goulburn. McDonald joined us. Took us to movies in grand theatre & then to his flat home at 12.30
Tues. 24. Pottered about
Wed. 25. [no entry]
JANUARY, 1933.
Thurs. 26. Fred Seiler came at 12 & took us all to Hill Park for day. Mc Donald also there. Day started beautifully warm but ended in heavy rain
Fri. 27. Pottered about read a Wodehouse book
Sat. 28. Fine day. Ed & I went to get pipe clay from cutting near Marulan. Fine at night again
MEMO. [no entry]