FRIDAY, JAN. 1st, 1932.
Grey day. Worked in morning and helped V with party things. Her people kept dropping out one by one. In afternoon went to see Usshers for tea. V had splendid dinner. Guests were Jean, Audrey Weir, Miss Martin, Alister Ivanson. All got into taxis and hurried off to theatre to see "The Queen's Husband". Enjoyed it immensely. Home and had supper in drawing room. Kept Peter for the night.
SATURDAY, JAN. 2nd, 1932.
Worked in morning. We got tickets again for "Charmeuse" at Embassy with Iris Hoey Ion Swinley. Phil Meggitt came and had tea in afternoon, went away and came back to theatre. Just as we were starting out I had letter telling of dear Uncle Theo's death. I felt as if I could not go on. O, the terrible blank that all death leaves.
SUNDAY, JAN. 3rd, 1932.
Grey wet day. Spent it in house working hard and very sad. Afternoon did downstairs. In evening Mary commenced reading story of [??] Weather mild.