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3 revisions
Barbie2 at Mar 11, 2023 09:48 PM


1924 MAY 23 FRIDAY Cold day, showers. Rush all day in office on book circulars, no time to breathe - gobbled lunch Miss Hodgson & I left office at 7.30 & had dinner at Minerva where we found Mrs Aldridge. Pouring rain

1924 MAY


Cold day, showers.
Rush all
day in office on book
circulars, no time to
breathe - gobbled lunch

Miss Hodgson & I left
office at 7.30 & had
dinner at Minerva
where we found Mrs
Aldridge. Pouring rain


1924 MAY 23 FRIDAY Cold day, showers. Rush all day in office on book circulars, no time to breath - gobbled lunch Miss Hodgson & I left office at 7.30 & had dinner at Minerva where we found Mrs Aldridge. Pouring rain

1924 MAY


Cold day, showers.
Rush all
day in office on book
circulars, no time to
breath - gobbled lunch

Miss Hodgson & I left
office at 7.30 & had
dinner at Minerva
where we found Mrs
Aldridge. Pouring rain