JANUARY, 1920.
Wednesday 28
Pottering tiresome day in office same as previous day.
Thursday 29
Same as previous day. Had lunch at Minerva with Mrs Aldridge & Rika Stoffel
JANUARY, 1920.
Friday 30
Lovely morning. Pottered in office. In evening Rika & I went to hear Miss Hodge & Jessie White debate Montessori at Minerva Café. Had lunch with Vida at Minerva Café. Glad to see her. She's a dear. Chilblains very trying.
Saturday 31
Thick dripping fog that turned to rain. Very mild. Very tired. Tried to sleep in afternoon but Carpenters were so darned noisy. They showed me final proofs of their "fairy grammar" Began to run through American copy of Estelle. Had to wait 40 minutes for a 'bus
Sunday 1
Beautiful day. Ethel left in morning. Tried to have a sleep in afternoon but Carpenters too darned noisy for any use. Continued on Estelle.
Monday 2
Grey day but mild & not actually raining.
Tuesday 3
Fog & drizzle. Pottering in office. Morgan has the sense to stay away & mind his own concerns & get paid just the same. Very pleased to get a letter from Nell. House upset with decorators
Wednesday 4
Dull day. Pottering wasteful time in office. No incident pleasurable or otherwise.
Thursday 5
Heavy frost & fog. Same old pottering & muddling & waste of time at the office.
Friday 6
Same routine as above. Oh to be free to follow one's bent