JANUARY, 1920.
Sunday 18
Typed on Estelle but so exhausted that I had to give up & go to see Miss Hodge after supper. She was not in. Took some of Fred's sweets for Miss Roberts. Mild dull day.
Monday 19
Back to office. Idle wasted day. Went for a stroll. Mrs Prouse at Harley Rd when I got home. Got her away at 8 & did a few sheets of typing.
JANUARY, 1920.
Tuesday 20
Dull drizzling & raining day. Got down at 9.10 to type. Idle day in office. Mabel Barfield at house when I got home. Upheaved for decorators.
Wednesday 21
Lovely morning crisp & cloudless. Cold showery afternoon. Did a little typing on Estelle. No work in office. Got down at 9 a.m. Mrs A. had me up to tea with her sisters & Rika Stoffel. Wrote to mother
JANUARY, 1920.
Thursday 22
Pottered around office at night. Mrs Aldridge & I went over & called on Burnhams. Rika Stoffel also went. I had tea with Mrs A. & Rika first & read Gilbert operas. Got good deal of typing done in office.
Friday 23
In evening Miss Yates came for dinner & Mabel Barfield was there. Got good deal of typing done in office.
January, 1920.
Saturday 24
Got home at 2.20 had lunch & finished typing Estelle. Tried to have a little sleep but chilblains intervened. Very tired & cross. went to bed at 12. Mabel Barfield left.
Sunday 25
Read typescript of Estelle & went to Miss Yates for tea & then looked at environs of her abode & went to hear M. Bondfield at King's Weigh Hse. Home & clipped 2 copies of Estelle & pottered & went to bed very tired. Not a bad day. One or two gleams of sun.
JANUARY, 1920.
Monday 26
Very dark day. Pottered & wasted whole day in office. Sid & Nellie called in after dinner at Harley Road.
Tuesday 27
Pottering days in office. No real work yet not free to follow my own life.