JANUARY, 1920.
Thursday 8
I got down at 9.10 Got Mr Aldridge off to Paris. Phill & Miss D'Arcy called at office. Pottered in office. Left an hour early to get a little rest but Debbil-debbil of kid visiting carpenter's roared & thumped around like a public nuisance. Phill came back to 22 Harley Road.
Friday 9
Beautiful clear frosty morning. Phill walked down to Chalk Farm with me. Later met me at Minerva & we went to B. Aus. Bookshop & thence to Allmann's to send food to Mrs R's relatives in Germany. Home at night & poorly. Ethel in bed. Phill waited on us.
JANUARY, 1920.
Saturday 10
Wet grey day. Phill left 22 Harley Rd. for place in Bow. Thank god I got back into my room with nice fire & began to revise Estelle. Little debbil ̵l̵ - debbil upstairs away thank god so had a little sleep. Washed comfortably by fire after being dirty for weeks & went to bed at 12 feeling much better.
Sunday 11
Wild day, rain & real noisy wind. I worked on Estelle all day & in evening went round for a chat with Lady Byles & took her a taste of honey. Had a lovely sleep in afternoon. Mild weather
JANUARY, 1920.
Monday 12
Worked all day on revising Estelle. Practically only -re-reading & no changes necessary.
Tuesday 13
Finished re-reading last chap. of Estelle & began on the typing.
JANUARY, 1920.
Transpose 3 days ̶W̶e̶d̶n̶e̶s̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶1̶4̶ Friday 16
Lovely afternoon. Mild & clear. Worked on typing. Feeling very overdone. 35 pp. with 2 carbons heavy stint. had a sleep in afternoon. Gave up work about 7 p.m. Mr T.B. Smith there for dinner.
Thursday 15 [ line drawn from date down right side of page indicating "Wed. 14"]
Perfectly angel day. Crisp & clear all day Went to office on top of 'bus to read proofs after lunch & back by 4 p.m. Worked well typing & got to bed at 12 p.m.
JANUARY, 1920.
Thurs 15 [ink line drawn down left side of page] Friday 16
Grey day & damp. Went for little walk to Swiss Cottage in afternoon & had a sleep very exhausted through too much typing. Brooks came at night & I read N.Y. American in bed till 12.
Saturday 17
Brooks L. & I went to look at Nancy's grave & then on top of 'bus to Hendon & walked around & back in time for lunch at 1.20. B. left at 3.15. I tried to have a sleep but chilblains intervened. Very exhausted through too much typing. Read S. Naidu's poems ready for sending to Fred. Mild weather