JANUARY, 1920.
Thursday 1
Dull cold day. Sapless day at office. Took Mr A's article to Times & bought stockings for Mrs Robins' relatives at Nicholson's. Phil Meggitt came to stay at Harley Road. Place in uproar owing to intermittent visitations of decorators.
JANUARY, 1920.
Friday 2
Frosty clear morning, but soon fogged up. Phil went down with me & later we had lunch at Minerva Nothing to do in office so read A. Pearson's "Victory over Blindness". Got a lot of letters from Australia. Also got a chill.
Saturday 3
Dull Drizzly foggy day. Bad cold & shivers. Went ot bed after dinner & stayed there. Read Melba biography
JANUARY, 1920.
Sunday 4
Slashes of sunshine. Stayed in bed all day & fed on quinine. Phill stayed in too during afternoon. Tried to sleep but conditions not favourable.
Monday 5
Stayed in bed all day. Dull cold day. Phill rang up office for me. Ethel very croaky
JANUARY, 1920.
Tuesday 6
Crawled out to office. Dull day. In lunch hour went to P. Robinson's & bought mintpink & black check. Phill went to boarding house as H. N. was expected but did not come. Miserable grey day.
Wednesday 7
H.N. & Alister stayed night on way to Switzerland. I was ill & feverish. House in rumpus owing to decorators. I slept in Ethel's room