Item 11: Miles Franklin pocket diary, 17 February-29 December 1918





DECEMBER - 1918.

15. Sunday Wet. Went to hear Dr. Orchard to meet Ethel & brought her home to dinner. In afternoon She A. A. & I went to Stead's for tea, pottered around Whitehall & Westminster & then home

16. Monday. Wet in morning. Lunch with Dr. de Garis at Wilton. Busy day Cable from N.Y. Then went to Lyceum Club for dinner as Mr. Bage's guest & because Ethel was there. Home v. late

17. Tuesday. Fine morning. Bungy eye Dull dark day. Very uncomfortable x

18. Wednesday. Met Dr. De Garis, Ethel, Miss Adams, Nancy & B. Kent at old Vic & saw a dull nativity play & home late. Wet cold, dark & gusty day

Last edit almost 2 years ago by VixE



12. Thursday F.P. rang up in afternoon & came out at 8 p.m. & stayed till 10.45. Grey dark mild damp day. Nancy at Chelsea to hear Miss Phipps - candidate.

13. Friday. Dull dark & wet. Actually met Ethel Mason walking on High Holborn. Greatest joy in life. Did not seem true.

14. Saturday. She came for me at 2. We went to tea at Popular. Thence to her rooms at Dysart Hotel. Left her at six Went to Ealing to meet Nancy & took dinner with Mrs Dalrymple & Joyce Harding Home late. Wet & warm


Last edit almost 2 years ago by VixE



8 Sunday Drizzle & fog & black twilight all day. Claude called up at 5.30. I met him down town & went to pictures at Marble Arch. Took quinine Sat & Sun

9. Monday. Fog. Dark & wet office routine went to bed very tired. Finished re-reading "On D. St"

10. Tuesday. Office routine home & to bed very tired.

11. Wednesday. Office routine. In evening A.A. Miss Bertram & Booth Scott Mrs Dalrymple & I met at Old Vic for "Love's Labour Lost." Dark, dark, days

Last edit almost 2 years ago by VixE


DECEMBER - 1918.

5. Thursday. Wish I had means for rest & beauty & to educate myself

6. Friday. F. P. rang up at noon & again in evening & I met him at Tottenham U. & we went to dinner in Soho & then talked till late at Regent's Palace. He was dull & irritable

7. Saturday. Dull miserable day. Busy in office till 2.20. Then home & had dinner & re-read "On D. St."

Week-end. [no entry]

Last edit almost 2 years ago by VixE



1. Sunday Went to Zabelle Boyajian's Studio & thence with Mrs French to hear Ella W. W. & Dr Bruce on Bond Street Dull mild day no sun

2. Monday. Dull dark days. Lights on in office all the time Office routine. Lunch at Minerva

3. Tuesday. Same routine. Same dirty twilight.

4. Wednesday. Wish I cd. be interested in my work or life. Wish I cd. see the sun

Last edit almost 2 years ago by VixE
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