MARCH- 1918
28. Thursday. Got a little work done. In & out of bed very weak & shivery. Cold & grey - showers. Miss H. insisted upon reading to me.
29. Friday. Cold grey day. Miss Hodge read to me interrupting any attempt to work.
30. Saturday. Went back to Miss Smith's. Had to go up on top in rain on tram. Found Miss Smith gone to Keighly with Nina Boyle to seek nom. in Bye election
MARCH - 1918.
24. Sunday Beautiful warm sun all day. Miss Hodge hat tea at Lyceum for Helena Normanton then Miss H. & I went home to supper with Mrs Bage. Dr Scantlebury from Endell St. there. Fog down at Piccadilly. Clear moonlight at Golder's Green.
25. Monday. On Monday night shivered with malaria again. dull & cold
26. Tuesday. Struggled out of bed & spent miserable day on sofa. Dull & cold.
27. Wednesday. Feeling very depressed & weak. Cold & grey
MARCH - 1918
21. Thursday. Glorious spring weather Feeling weak in morning. Better during day & did good work. Went for a walk & called on Mrs Oliver. Sun all day.
22, Friday. Lovely weather. Offensive of Germans in France.
23. Saturday. Went down town to bank etc. Lovely day came home on top of 'bus Quinine deaf.
Week-end. Terribly depressed by quinine
MARCH - 1918
17. Sunday Stayed in house feeling a bit better but v ery depressed. Foggy.
18. Monday. Feeling bit better - weak now & again. Fog
19. Tuesday. Fog. Feeling better. Put in good industrious day.
20. Wednesday. Sun bedad! Unbelievable! After tea came to Miss Hodge. Feeling very weak. Lugging bag too much
MARCH - 1918
14. Thursday. Worked at removing things from drawing room a.m. at 3 met Nell at Kew & had tea down there. It rained I got wet & sat 20 min on open stn. Result:- rigor, temp. malaria.
15. Friday. In bed with malaria all day. temp. Not able to see Nell off
16. Saturday. up again but feeling desperately depressed & weak.
Week-end. Fogs for days