January 1953
Saturday 24
Slight showers occasionally. Went to butcher. Mrs Dixon stopped me on the way & showed me her wonderful flower garden. Joyce Andresen, Elaine & J's sister came next door & I had to go in & take the child a handkerchief. Muir rang up about Monday. Glen rang for a long call. I typed on my ms. Busy with bagging figs. Took a nice basinful to Mrs Morgan. Oh that dreadful day 11 yrs. ago. Dear H.C. Andresen forewent a big cricket match to be with me in the ordeal.
January 1953
Sunday 25
Cool day. Worked on typing all day. Rang Judah Waten to tell him I have "Alien Son". Also rang F. Clune. He is now sure Tucker did write ̲R̲a̲l̲p̲h̲ ̲ R̲a̲s̲h̲l̲e̲i̲g̲h̲. Gerry Duggan called for a few minutes with a man named Twenty tons who is teaching him to drive. Invited me to dinner tonight. I refused. Invited me for next Friday night. Bags on figs again.
January 1953
Monday 26
Cool grey day with slight shower. Got up at 8 & worked hard on straightening house, figs, & did a line of laundry. Marg & Muir came for me at 11. Gave them tea, cake & figs & they took me home for day of pleasant talk & meals with little Kim. Another child coming in July. They drove me to St James and I got home before 11 p.m. Eleven years since Norman took his last drive on earth to Sutherland & that blessed Ivy came.
January 1953
Tuesday 27
Lovely warm muggy cloudy day. Got up & tackled chores. Amy with her mother came at 11 & drove us to Penrith & up as far as Glenbrook. We lunched on the river bank left side over the bridge where N. & J. & I did one day when we went to bring Jno indisposed home from Springwood. Then we inspected old spots where Mrs S had lived & Chesterfield where A. was born & the Hamiltons old place & the Gunnells & the church where Linda was married & Laurel buried. Tea on the main street & met a Mrs Jefferys who lives in Cranebrook. All dead but us 3 now & Lena & Charlie perhaps. Amy dropped me in Sydney & I went to Newsreel & home. Her mother getting a bit "off". Nell Jordan telephoned.
January 1953
Wednesday 28
Lovely warm clear day. Did a bit on Pixie's typing Telephoned her. Very tired after yesterday & the figs are a lot of work. Delys rang saying she is coming tomorrow. Rang Ethel Hamilton Richards & was joyful to find her still alive & herself. 75 this year. Her silvery soprano showing age but still a long way better than others not so old. Ruby Brydon telephoned - getting her house straight.