Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1953


Diary with daily entries briefly describing events which occurred in Miles Franklin's life.

See Library catalogue record




January 1953

Friday 9

Got ready for town. Took Arthur some of last night's cake & coffee. Delayed by 2 long telephone calls from Florrie & from F Earle Hooper. Went to Customs & got the parcel sent me by Marjery Currey. Lugged it home. Went to Butcher. Started a bit on Pixie's but Mrs Morgan called & took the time with her laughable opinions on R. Rashleigh. Telephoned Glen late.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2


January 1953

Saturday 10

Fine day but chilly. Worked on P's Demand. Went to butcher. Lena called up in morning. Phyllis {Phillis] & family went to see her with cake for her birthday for which I am glad.

Last edit 4 months ago by VixE


January 1953

Sunday 11

Grey most of day - chilly Heavy, short showers in the evening. Telephoned Glen to find she has a sore throat. Worked on Pixie's Demand. Heard Tyrone Guthrie on the air in a talk called "It sticks in my mind". 2nd of 3 - of childhood reminiscence. Contained nothing superior to mine - so perhaps Pixie is right in urging me on.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Barbie2


January 1953

Monday 12

Fine day but not very sunny - & chilly. Worked on Pixie's Demand. Rang her up about T. Gutherie's reminiscences. Mrs Andresen in telephoning delayed me. Ruth telephoned & asked me to go to Empire to see Cinderella on Ice. It was endurable. I got home a little before 12.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Barbie2


January 1953

Tuesday 13

Chilly day again. Tried to finish rough draft of Pixie's demand but hadn't the strength & it made me so melancholy. I fell back on my loneliness like a flapping sail so I rang Nell Jordan & then Thelma Clune. Frank in Hosp. with fistula in buttock. A&R have refused Jorgensen. I'm not suprised. I considered the chap. I saw dull & pointless. Phyllis [Phillis] rang me in the morning and I had a few words with Uncle Gus. Did some ironing & to bed before 11 p.m

Last edit 4 months ago by VixE
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