January 1953
Friday 9
Got ready for town. Took Arthur some of last night's cake & coffee. Delayed by 2 long telephone calls from Florrie & from F Earle Hooper. Went to Customs & got the parcel sent me by Marjery Currey. Lugged it home. Went to Butcher. Started a bit on Pixie's but Mrs Morgan called & took the time with her laughable opinions on R. Rashleigh. Telephoned Glen late.
January 1953
Saturday 10
Fine day but chilly. Worked on P's Demand. Went to butcher. Lena called up in morning. Phyllis {Phillis] & family went to see her with cake for her birthday for which I am glad.
January 1953
Sunday 11
Grey most of day - chilly Heavy, short showers in the evening. Telephoned Glen to find she has a sore throat. Worked on Pixie's Demand. Heard Tyrone Guthrie on the air in a talk called "It sticks in my mind". 2nd of 3 - of childhood reminiscence. Contained nothing superior to mine - so perhaps Pixie is right in urging me on.
January 1953
Monday 12
Fine day but not very sunny - & chilly. Worked on Pixie's Demand. Rang her up about T. Gutherie's reminiscences. Mrs Andresen in telephoning delayed me. Ruth telephoned & asked me to go to Empire to see Cinderella on Ice. It was endurable. I got home a little before 12.
January 1953
Tuesday 13
Chilly day again. Tried to finish rough draft of Pixie's demand but hadn't the strength & it made me so melancholy. I fell back on my loneliness like a flapping sail so I rang Nell Jordan & then Thelma Clune. Frank in Hosp. with fistula in buttock. A&R have refused Jorgensen. I'm not suprised. I considered the chap. I saw dull & pointless. Phyllis [Phillis] rang me in the morning and I had a few words with Uncle Gus. Did some ironing & to bed before 11 p.m