Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1953


Diary with daily entries briefly describing events which occurred in Miles Franklin's life.

See Library catalogue record


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February 1953

Friday 13

Lovely day - warmish. I went to butcher in morning & wrote a few more letters. Long call from dear Pixie saying she had sent the mss to Frank Eyre registered postage 3/9. In afternoon I went to G.P.O. & got man to give me p. & par of regulations against the lout in the P.O. here. Left packet at A&Rs for Pixie. & went to Jean F's flat to see K.S.P. Lovely meal & then we - K. & J. - went to New Theatre to see Gogol's Inspector General & talked to the cast behind the scenes. Met a Curtain who said he acted Mr Friend in "Call up y[ou]r Ghosts" in Melb. Home by 1 a.m. Also saw M. Sawtell for a chat about B. Miller & Paid Radio Licence at G.P.O.

Last edit 10 months ago by VixE
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February 1953

Saturday 14

Cold grey day after lunch. Took Mrs A. to vote. Met the Watsons. Shopped at butcher's etc on way home. I was feeling very slack. Cut down the wistaria again & a few such chores. Wrote letters but was really too fatigued for it. Read Edith McKay's "The House of Winston Blaker" a lively enough yarn, free from thought & completely banal. utterly mundane.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2
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February 1953

Sunday 15

Coolish day. Frank Ryland called in morning with nephew & took up an hour. Glen telephoned for ¾ hr. exactly in middle of my dinner. I telephoned Les Rees in early evening for 35 min. so went my day. L.R. is suffocatingly dead & alive. Prepared for major laundry Tomorrow if it is fine. Ran telephone message for Mrs A.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Barbie2
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February 1953

Monday 16

Poured during night. cold next day everything sopping, no hope of beginning laundry. Mrs Bennetts came & paid my Gas Bill for me. She brought biscuits. I gave her tomatoes. Cleared out a lot of papers & a few more letters. Florrie telephoned and asked me for the week end. K.S.P. & Jean F. both telephoned me K.s time of departure tomorrow night.

[line drawn across page]

(cont. from opp. p.) up groceries from Dodds, had my evening meal & to bed after 10.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Barbie2
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February 1953

Tuesday 17

Still raining. Muggy showery day. I pottered ineffectually and at 5 shopped at Dodds & got him to keep it for me. Went to Sydney to post books & to newsreel where a drunk vomited all over me the pink evil-smelling mess so familiar. I tried to clean myself up with paper. A woman & man helped slightly - but I was wet through & the sickening stench made me sick. Had to go to Central to see K.SP. off to Melbourne also present Jean F. & Enid D. I got home after 9. picked [continued at bottom of 16 Feb page]

Last edit over 3 years ago by Barbie2
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