February 1953
Sunday 8
Lovely day. Totally alone all day but did not feel it as sadly as usual as I was very busy mounting the photos & putting the captions to them for the Pixie mss. Looked out a thimble for Louie Somerville.
February 1953
Monday 9
Nice warm day till after dark when there came a wild cold wind following on a heavy thunder shower. Got the typescripts ready for Pixie. Finished odds & ends did some laundry, washed out the kitchen. Took elixir of dormel & to bed reasonably early.
February 1953
Tuesday 10
Icy cold day. Got back to warm clothes. Got mss ready for Pixie. Rang her on phone. In evening went to cinema with Mrs A. Saw Golden Girl & Francis Goes to West Point. Went to Carlton to Bank & to shop.
February 1953
Wednesday 11
Lovely day but chilly. Worked very hard till after 3 preparing for Pixie. Did a line of laundry & an hour's ironing, cleaned hse. Went to butcher. Had cake & tea at 3.30 at 6 had grilled rump steak with tomatoes & potatoes in their skins with butter, rock melon, raspberry & coffee junket & comfits. Pixie took charge of 2 mss for Frank Eyre. I gave her a pink blouse & scarf from N.Y. & we went together to hear reading of Betty Rowland's play G̲r̲a̲n̲i̲t̲e̲ ̲P̲k̲.̲ by Jno Alden & Co. Home by midnight.
February 1953
Thursday 12
Cold day pinched me. Felt very tired so I did not get up till 8.30. Wrote letters all day & did not make a dint in the piles. Joe called up in evening is coming for breakfast next Wednesday.