Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1953


Diary with daily entries briefly describing events which occurred in Miles Franklin's life.

See Library catalogue record


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February 1953

Tuesday 3

Gloriously warm day, humid. Work on figs wasted as they mould as soon as they are picked. Worked on typing. Gave Olly figs. Mrs A. in to telephone. The Ukrainians brought me some beautiful tomatoes, I gave half to Sanderson. Did some laundry. Gave my room a good wash out. Wrote a few urgent letters, hot bath & to bed stiff with fatigue before 10. A Mr Cosgrave brought me a ream of paper from Phyllis [Phillis] & Jack.

Last edit 4 months ago by VixE
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February 1953

Wednesday 4

Lovely hot day with a crisp zephyr. Went to town to take Louie Somerville the blanket I promised & old ties. Then to get photos etc, newsreel & home lost my red purse from USA with 25/- Cuss. Dal rang up in evening.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Barbie2
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February 1953

Thursday 5

Lovely warm day. Worked on typing. Figs gone phut. They go sour on the trees - such a pity. Ran telephone message for Mrs A. Dal came at 8.30 & stayed till 11.30. He was so tired poor soul - shd have been in bed. I washed & put away dishes & got to bed a little after 12.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Barbie2
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February 1953

Friday 6

Finished typing of a complete, but by no means final draft of Pixies demand. Telephoned her & she will come next Wednesday. N. McVicar telephoned that he had heard N. Langham speaking to 10 producers last night & when asked about Aus. plays he said spontaneously that Miles Franklin's was the best he had read. Beatrice telephoned asking for "Cockatoos". Glen also rang. The lovely warmth collapsed in wind & thunderstorm that poured through the roof in new & worse places. Figs a busted wash out. I had to scuttle back in to my woollen underwear & put on a warm coat.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Barbie2
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February 1953

Saturday 7

Lovely bright day. Did a bit of correcting on typescript in morning. At 2 p m went to Ed. Bldg to see Archibald rejects & then to Art Gallery to see the accepted. Both very dull & unadventurous. Glen, who was with me, wanted me to go home with her but I was too exhausted. Louie rang to thank me for the blanket etc & she wants a large thimble. Lena telephoned but she is getting too deaf to hear anything I say. I sent her Theo's letter about the present he is sending - hope it wont mean a lot of duty.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Barbie2
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