December 1952
Monday 29
Grey muggy day - warm in patches. Collapsing into rain. Worked hard all day on preparing for Uncle Gus & Aunt Lena. Did a bit for Pixie. Went to green grocer. Cooked apples and baked caramel custard. Ruby rang up also Dal. I put Dal off till next week.
December 1952
Tuesday 30
Started somewhat warm but soon turned grey & showery Ruby arrived at 11 with leg of lamb baked, Vienna loaf & the butter. I had apple & cream, caramel custard etc all ready. We had new potatoes & butter, salad of cucum & lettuce & tomatoes in mayonnaise & sweet pickled onions. Cherries & plums raw, muscatel raisins, almonds & walnuts & sweets & at afternoon tea, the lovely Technical College cake like a wedding cake iced with my name. We cut this in honor of Lena's birthday. Thelma & Uncle Gus & Geo got here about 11.30 - left at 4.15. Ruby at 5 I felt so lonely I cd weep & weep - the last of the old family. I read from the sketch about Dorothy Wilson (Pixies demand). Alex Sheppard telephoned.
December 1952
Wednesday 31
Grey showery morning. Chilly. Wore woollens and my old blue check coat and skirt. Went to town to P.O , to chemist & Newsreel also to bank in Carlton. Lena rang up. Thelma took her to Lyndhurst about 3p.m today. Glen rang up too - has been in bed sick, had dr. for 2 days. Pixie rang up for nice long talk in morning. Never heard a sound at mid-night as 1952 disappeared.
Wed Feb 13 posted "Dead Must Not Return" to Mabel. Sep 17 - set rows of butter beans 17th July Jno telephoned
Willie pronounce Wiley B.L. 2404 and mention Fred Hampson's name. bus .centre A-Anon.