March 1952
Saturday 1
J.K. came home before 1p.m & cooked splendid meal for Everill & me.
At 3 he took me to Railway Bldg. to Aus. Lit. Soc.
Mrs Hunter v. old. K.B. also there.
Kitty Phillips Gaskell, Mrs McDonald from Geelong.
Mrs [Flitcher?Hitchen?] niece of D. Macdonald, Miss O'Flynn.
Rex Ingamells read papers and poems in memory of Victor Kennedy.
I made a little speech.
Bernard O'D. read some of V.K's poems splendidly.
Mrs Fairbairn. Chas Fawcett, D.H. Rankin. Andy Millett Sec.
Notes and Questions
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Some of the names here are difficult to decipher. I couldn't find any matches in the lists of names, nor by Google search.
D.H.Rankin could be Douglas Hamilton Rankin (1880-1974), educationalist and historian. He wrote a book called Philosophy of Australian Education published in 1941.
The Australian Literary Society President Martin Victor Kennedy passed away on the 14th January 1952. He was also an early member of the "Bread and Cheese Club"
D.H. Rankin M.A., M.Ed. (1880-1974) - Donald Hamilton Rankin became President of the Australian Literary Society after Kennedy's passing
Ref to University of Melbourne Scholarship Prize
"J. K" - John Kinmont Moir https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/moir-john-kinmont-jack-11143
(Moir mentioned on page 63, 1026663281)
Kitty Phillips could possibly be Kitty Marie Phillips - President of the Australian Poets and Poetry Lovers Society, Melbourne.
Miss O'Flynn is most likely Frances O'Flynn - Secretary of the "P.I.O'L Memorial Committee/Book Society" (Patrick Ignatius O"Leary- literary editor of The Advocate (Melb)
Reginald "Rex" Charles Ingamells (Jan1913 – Dec1955) Poet and one of the founders of the Jindyworobak Club - Jindyworobak Movement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jindyworobak_Movement
Bernard O'D is likely Bernard O'Dowd - 1866–1953 - "poet, radical and parliamentary draughtsman" https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/odowd-bernard-patrick-7881
Chas. Fawcett - President (from October 1952) of the Henry Lawson Memorial and Literary Society
Andy Millet - Secretary of Aust. Literary Society