Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1911, Part 1


Daily diary containing brief records of Miles Franklin's activities and events.Pages for 18 June-9 September are blank.

See Library catalogue record





SUN. 24 Morning Stayed in bed till 12.

Afternoon Rose & dined & spent afternoon with Mrs Robins

Evening Went to Newshams & had supper & spent evening

MON. 25 Morning Got to office early worked

Afternoon Lunched at Lunch Club

Evening Went to bed early

TUE. 26 Morning Got to office early and worked

Afternoon Lunched at Lunch Club

Evening Went to bed early

WED. 27 Morning Got down to office early

Afternoon Went with Mrs R. & Zelie & Lily to "Pinafore" Afterwards cleaned rooms on W.Side & had din-ner at Mrs Robins

Evening Last night in flat with noise & mosquitoes thank Heaven

THU. 28 Morning Got down to office early

Afternoon Went home & packed for leaving

Evening Mrs Robins gave me dinner & took me in for the night

FRI. 29 Morning Left Mrs Robins & had to go back after letter I had left

Afternoon Went home very tired to 202 E. Superior. Worked on Natl. Bd letter

Evening Went to bed early in 4th floor room

SAT. 30 Morning Worked on Natl. Bd. letter

Afternoon Worked on Natl Bd letter, rushed home & to dinner at Mrs Robins

Evening to meet Ickes & Posts. Very wet coming home .

Last edit over 2 years ago by Barbie2



SUN. 1 Morning Stayed in bed till 12. Rose & dressed

Afternoon Worked in office all afternoon on End of Career

Evening Went to bed very tired

MON. 2 Morning Wrote letters in office & then went to Mrs Robins to work on proceedings

Afternoon Lunch at Mrs Robins & worked on proceedings

Evening [blank]

TUE. 3 Morning Went to office early & Octavia came in about 11.30 & she & I & Zelie went

Afternoon & met Miss Phelps and had lunch at the ̶W̶ College Club

Evening [blank]

WED. 4 Morning Went to Mrs R. to work on Convention proceedings

Afternoon Lunched at Mrs

Evening Dined at Mrs Robins

THU. 5 Morning Went to Mrs Robins to work on proceedings

Afternoon Lunched at Mrs Robins

Evening Went to bed early

FRI. 6 Morning Went to Mrs R. at 9 to work on Convention proceedings

Afternoon Olive & I investigated Joe Feldman's wife & I worked on pro. again

Evening Mrs R & I had early dinner & came to Ex. Bd. meeting 331 S. La Salle.

SAT. 7 Morning Went to Mrs Robins at 9.

Afternoon Worked till 3 at Mrs R. came down town to see Mrs Post & worked a little on "Career" at office.

Evening Wrote a little on Net of Circumstance & went to bed early.

Last edit 4 months ago by VixE



SUN. 8 Morning Stayed in bed till 11 got up & wrote on Net of Circumstance

Afternoon Walked to League Meeting

Evening Miss H. & Miss Pischel came home to tea with Editha & I

MON. 9 Morning Got to office early Worked on dummy

Afternoon Worked like a slave all day on dummy & went to Mrs Robins at 5.30

Evening Agnes, Mary Anderson Mrs R. & I discussed Convention proceedings

TUE. 10 Morning Got to Saul's at 9 but he didn't want me till one. returned to office. Mrs Newman called. Olive & I went to

Afternoon Lunch & to Sauls' at one to place committee reports. I began on dummy.

Evening Very tired went to bed very early.

WED. 11 Morning At Saul's at 8 Worked on Novem. No. of Life & Labor Wrote Net of Circumstance

Afternoon in between. Lunched at Kolsaat's [Kohlsaat's]. Saw Mrs Post & Miss Hicks. Finished Nov. No.

Evening Went to bed early very tired. Editha & I ate grapes together

THU. 12 Lovely day Morning Got to office at 8.30 Worked on correspon-dence & went to lunch at Randolph with Miss

Afternoon Henry after walked to Bank to find it closed for Columbus Day.

Evening Retired after supper tired

FRI. 13 Morning Got to office at nine & went to lunch with Miss H at Randolph. Miss

Afternoon Amy Hicks came in the afternoon to talk about cover for Life and Labor Went home at five &

Evening went to Boynton's reception & Miss Louise Grout with Editha. went to bed immediately after dinner.

SAT. 14 Morning Raining. Rose & went to Mrs Robins to help her on organization Leaflet. Miss Martini there for luncheon

Afternoon Came to office & wrote to mother & worked a little in a great rush.

Evening Went for laundry & went to bed early

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Barbie2



SUN. 15 Morning Rose at 10 & washed head & had dinner at 1.30

Afternoon Came down & worked on End of Career till 5.30 walked home.

Evening Very tired went to bed immediately after tea

MON. 16 Morning Got down to office early. Went up & helped Mrs Robins off to Springfield & back to office. Lunched

Afternoon with Miss Henry at Randolph Inn. Worked on L. & L. for Dec.

Evening Went to bed very tired. Editha & I ate plums before retiring.

TUE. 17 Morning Went to Springfield on 9 o'clock train. Went to dine at 1.30 Tried to write on way

Afternoon Meeting of State Com. in Oddfellows hall all walked out to [Lee'?] supper at Bode's Walked in

Evening again & saw Octavia on way. Mass meeting. Mr Bode took me to me to night train

WED. 18 Morning Arrived in Chi. at 7 had breakfast at [Knabs?]. & went to office. Very tired worked till

Afternoon 2.30 & went home & slept As tired as a dog

Evening teetered around & wasted time

THU. 19 Morning Worked in office all day on Proceedings

Afternoon lunched at Randolph

Evening Went to bed early Miss Henry came for supper

FRI. 20 Morning Went to office early. Mrs Robins came in

Afternoon Lunched at Union with Mrs Robins

Evening Went to bed early

SAT. 21 Morning Worked in office

Afternoon Lunched at Randolph Went to other office & back to my own

Evening Went to bed early very tired

Last edit 4 months ago by VixE



SUN. 22 Morning Stayed in bed till eleven

Afternoon Worked in office till 5. Walked home & got my laundry

Evening Went to bed early

MON. 23 Morning Got to office early Thence to Mrs Robins to work on Board letter.

Afternoon Lunched at Mrs R. Came to 127 via 331 So. La Salle. Worked on Board letter. Sent flag to Grannie.

Evening Went to bed tired.

TUE. 24 Morning Got to office early Worked on proceedings was to met Mrs Lloyd at Field's but she didn't come

Afternoon Lunched at Randolph Went home & dressed for train. Returned to office & got some tea

Evening Mrs Robins & I went on Lake Shore & M. S. to Pittsburgh. We had a drawing room but I never slept a wink all night.

WED. 25 Morning Got in at 7.30. Took taxi to Union Stn. Had breakfast - met there by Rev. Schultz got on train for Irvine met by Allen Burns, Mrs Weller, Mr Corpe, Misses Lawrance & Shearman & took car to Herminie. Saw

Afternoon Miner's homes (Tunnicliffe's) Drove to Lowber. Had to sit on Schultz's knee - terrible infliction. Had dinner at Holmes & saw Miner's Shacks. Had supper at Holmes and returned to

Evening Greensburg via Train & trolley. Had conference with Van Bittner's, Littlewood & Stamage at the Berlin where we slept all night.

THU. 26 Morning Breakfast at Berlin and came in to Allan Burn's office in Keystone Bldg where we held conference all morning. 8 of us had lunch at Farmers

Afternoon Bank Bldg. restaurant. Rested there & Mrs Robins spoke at Suffrage Meeting. Then Miss Haworth took us home & we dined there and met Mrs George, Euphemia

Evening Bakewell & others & caught train at Sewickley. Had a drawing room. Slept very well.

FRI. 27 Morning Arrived in Chi. at 8. Had breakfast in Unity Bldg. Began on letters and back work. Went to City Hall for photographs

Afternoon from Mr C. B. Ball. Lunched at Randolph went home at 4.30 very tired.

Evening Talked to Editha a little & went to bed

SAT. 28 Morning Went to office first. Then to Mrs Robins and back to office - worked till 4.30 went home & tried to rest

Afternoon but too tired to do so.

Evening Went to Trade Union Hallowe'en ball with Editha. Met Jo Davidson

Last edit 4 months ago by Barbie2
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