SUN. 20 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
MON. 21 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
TUE. 22 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
WED. 23 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
THU. 24 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
FRI. 25 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
SAT. 26 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
SUN. 27 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
MON. 28 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
TUE. 29 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
WED. 30 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
THU. 31 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
FRI. 1 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
SAT. 24 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
SUN. 3 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
MON. 4 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
TUE. 5 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
WED. 6 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
THU. 7 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
FRI. 8 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
SAT. 9 Morning [blank] Afternoon [blank] Evening [blank]
SUN. 10 Morning Slept till ten got up & arranged clothes
Afternoon had dinner in the flat & went to monthly League Meeting
Evening Florence Dalzell, Zelie & I went home and had supper with Mrs Robins.
MON. 11 Morning Came to office early worked till 12 Mrs Kapp, Anna & I had lunch with Hanlon
Afternoon Worked all afternoon Editha came & took me to afternoon tea at Field's
Evening Mrs Robins & I went to Gertrude House and had dinner with the Dresdens.
TUE. 12 Morning Got to office early
Afternoon All lunched at Randolph
Evening Dined at N.W. Station with Mrs Robins & Mrs Elliot.
WED. 13 Morning Got to office at 9.30 called on Mrs Robins on my way down Went to lunch with Hanlon & Mrs Kapp & Anna
Afternoon Mrs Elliott called in afternoon. No rest or peace in the office
Evening Supped at Ouilmette & got home exhausted
THU. 14 82 ° - 56 ° Morning Got to office at 9. Miss H took a day at home thank God
Afternoon Went to lunch on 5th Ave & Lake with Anna & Mrs Kapp. Mrs Elliot called
Evening Very tired - bathed & retired at 8. Supper at Randolph
FRI. 15 Morning Worked in office amid untidiness all day
Afternoon Worked in after-noon went home to beastly flat
Evening Went to A.A.L.L. meeting at Auditorium.
SAT. 16 Morning Tusselled with October dummy of L & L. Warm day.
Afternoon Tusselled with dummy again. Went to flat & thence to H.S. & M Celebration meeting in Hod Carrier's Hall.
Evening Met Mr & Mrs Robins at corner of Halsted & Grand returning from wedding of Ickes & Mrs Thompson
SUN. 17 Morning Got up & washed head. & went to Young's at one o'clock.
Afternoon Had dinner with them & came down & worked in office
Evening Got to bed at 7 exhausted. Zelie came home & we talked till late.
MON. 18 Morning Got to office again. Muddled on dummy again. ̶W̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶P̶r̶i̶n̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶a̶t̶
Afternoon Dinner with Agnes & Miss H. at Randolph Went to Printers at 2.
Evening Zelie cooked a good ̶a̶f̶t̶e̶r̶n̶o̶o̶n̶ meal. After I went to Mrs Robins till 9.
TUE. 19 Morning Went to printers in late morning & thence [of?to?] Chicago League office
Afternoon & back to printers - lunch at Kohlsaat
Evening Supper with Leonora Pease at Randolph
WED. 20 Morning Went to printers at 8 a.m. lunch at Kohlsaat's
Afternoon Finished Printers at 2 & went to office thence to flat, bathed and dressed & went to Single Tax dinner at Grand Pacific
Evening Went home with Mrs Robins & Zelie & stayed all night.
THU. 21 Morning Rose at 8 & worked till noon had lunch at Mrs Robins.
Afternoon Came down town
Evening Slept in flat
FRI. 22 Morning Got to office early
Afternoon Worked on odds & ends
Evening Slept in flat
SAT. 23 Morning Rose early & came to Mrs Robins was not well
Afternoon Stayed for lunch & spent day on couch reading
Evening Bought & cooked a little supper and went to bed early