Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1911, Part 1


Daily diary containing brief records of Miles Franklin's activities and events.Pages for 18 June-9 September are blank.

See Library catalogue record





SUN. 2 35°-29° Morning Rose at 8 & had breakfast. Did odd chores till lunch at 1.00. Heavy snow storm

Afternoon Pottered awhile & had a sleep. Dressed & went to Editha's

Evening Went with Editha to Boynton's for supper. They had music after.

MON. 3 Morning Rose at 8 & went to Dr Walker for treatment at nine. Thence to 79 Dearborn. Thence to Mrs Robins

Afternoon Lunched with Olive & Mrs Robins. Helped latter with end of statement & came back to office. Home at five & rested.

Evening Had supper - practised a little & went to bed

TUE. 4 39°-33° Morning Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment. Miss H. came too. Thence to 79 Dearborn. Thence to Mrs Robins. Miss Emerson came in &

Afternoon Mr Mullenbach & they Olive the Robins &I had a jovial lunch. I came back to office. Home at five and rested. Wet day.

Evening Went to the office & typed from 7 till 9. Pouring wet. Harrison elected.

WED. 5 45-36 Morning Rose at 8 & went to 79 Dearborn. Thence to 275 La Salle lunched with Olive at Glen Inn

Afternoon Went with Olive to take Mrs Robins Strike Statement to Saul. Returned to 79 Dearborn & home at 4.30 & rested

Evening Went to 79 Dearborn & typed from 7 till 9. Came home to Miss Ralston's birthday party for a little while.

THU. 6 Morning Rose at 7 & walked to Oldenborg for treatment. Thence to 79 Dearborn & worked on amendments

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette at 2.00 with Miss Emerson. Worked in office till 5.30

Evening Virginia Taylor called for a little while. I pottered a little & went to bed early

FRI. 7 Morning Rose at 8 & went to 79 Dearborn. Worked. there on letters till 2 p.m when I

Afternoon lunched with Miss Emerson at Ouilmette went to Dr Schiff at 4. Had forgotten appt was at 3.

Evening Went to Ex. Bd. Meeting at 275 La Salle. Read galley of Mrs Robins statement.

SAT.8 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment Thence to 275 La Salle to correct proofs of Mrs R's Statement.

Afternoon Lunched at Glenn Inn with Agnes & Olive. returned to 79 Dearborn. Home at 4.30 got photos of Tal. Very pleased

Evening Went to office & worked till 10 p.m. on short stories. Tired but content

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2



SUN. 9 42°-55° Morning Stayed in bed & rested till 12.15 Read "Buried Alive"

Afternoon League meeting at 331 La Salle (new number) Constitution & delegates to convention nominated

Evening Walked home with Miss Carr. Was in her room a little while after supper Washed head.

MON 10 Morning Rose at 8.30 & went to Dr Walker for treatment. Thence to 127 N. Dearborn (new no.) & to 331 S. La Salle.

Afternoon Lunched with Olive at Glenn Inn & returned to my office till 4.30. Home & rested in bed till 6.15.

Evening Went to office & typed on short stories till 9.30 Walked home.

TUE. 11 Morning Rose at 8 & went to 127 N. Dearborn. Did not have any lunch. Editha came in at 2 &

Afternoon we walked to 331 S. La Salle. I left some things at service engraving & came home & slept from 4 till 6.20

Evening Practised a little pottered & went to bed. Terribly exhausted.

WED. 12 Morning Rose at 7. Practised a little & went to office at 9.30 Worked till one. & went to other office & took

Afternoon Misses Emerson, Aitken & Schirmer to see Eva Tanguay at Majestic. Walked home with Miss Schirmer

Evening Pottered a litte & went to bed.

THU. 13 52-68 Morning Rose at 7 and walked to Hugo Oldenborg for final Treatment thence to 127 N. Dearborn

Afternoon Made up dummy for May. Miss Emerson came in and we had lunch at Mortimer's Pure food place

Evening Pottered a little & went to bed.

FRI. 14 40°-55° Morning Rose at 7.45 and went to Saul Bros. to make up on May issue of Life & Labor. Lunched at Kolsaats. [Kohlsaats]

Afternoon At Saul's. Went to Dr Schiff at 3.30 to have tooth filled. Met there Mr Morley an Australian.

Evening Pottered a little & went to bed early.

SAT. 15 53°-39° Morning Rose at 7 & went to Dr Walker for treatment. Went to office. Miss Emerson came & talked of her flat. We

Afternoon lunched at Ouilmette at 2.30. I sent short stories to Murphy & came home at 4.30 & rested.

Evening Pottered a little & did odds & ends.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2



SUN 16 Morning Rose at 10 o'clock made mayonnaise & worked on "The end of my Career".

Afternoon After lunch got to the office at 2 & worked till 5 on "The End of my Career" Walked home & read in library till supper time

Evening Putting room in order & did all sorts of odds & ends

MON 17. 40-55 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Saul's at 8. Lunched at Kohlsaat's Finished at Sauls' at 1.30

Afternoon Came to 127 N. Dearborn & got home at 4.45 & rested.

Evening Went to office & worked till 9. Miss Henry there so didn't get much done

TUE. 18 Morning Rose at 8 & went to Dr V. Hogen for treatment thence to office. Lunched at Ouilmette

Afternoon Worked on Convention publicity stuff till 4.45

Evening Very tired so went to bed at 8 o'clock

WED. 19 45-55 Morning Rose at 7 & got to office at 8. Worked on Convention publicity & dummy for Mrs Robin's Statement.

Afternoon Olive & I lunched at Ouilmette & went to see Julian Eltinge in "The Fascinating Widow"

Evening Pottered a little & went to bed early Raining steadily

THU. 20 44°-55° Morning Got to the office at nine lunched at Randolph Inn. Took Mrs R's statement to Saul

Afternoon At office. Came home at 4.30 & went to bed

Evening Miss H. Miss Ryan & I went to hear Marie Narell [Narelle] at Majestic. Eva Tanguay still on - terrible bore to see second time.

̶F̶R̶I̶ ̶2̶1̶ Sat 22 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Dr Walker for treatment. Thence to office. Did not go to lunch

Afternoon Came home & went to bed from two till 3.30 rose & went to Mrs Clark's class on p. law at 4 at 331 S. La Salle

Evening Went to bed & read magazines.

̶S̶A̶T̶ ̶2̶1̶ 23 Morning Rose in time for dinner Editha came to dinner with me & then went

Afternoon to call on Mrs Manierre & E. & I afterwards met at the Sheffield choir Concert in Orchestra Hall & walked home. I was glad of my fur coat

Evening Read in the library & then talked to Miss Carr in her [here?]

Last edit 5 months ago by VixE



̶S̶U̶N̶ ̶2̶3̶ Fri 21 Morning Got to the office at 9.15 Worked on odds and ends.

Afternoon Worked at office. Very wet. Went to other office & saw Agnes. Saw Lynch about convention badges.

Evening Miss Emerson called me up on long d. from Jackson. I went to office & worked on "C's End" till 9 & walked home

MON. 24 Rose at 7 & went to Dr Walker for treatment Thence to office feeling pretty ill

Afternoon Did not go out to lunch

Evening To bed early

TUE. 25 Morning Went to office early Thence to dentist at 10 & back to office

Afternoon Lunched with Mrs Kapp at Glenn Inn & went to look at office in Morton Bldg.

Evening Went to bed early

WED. 26 Morning Rose early & went to Marion McShea's wedding in St Bridgets church. Thence to Saul Bros with Mrs R's Statement.

Afternoon Lunched with Olive at W's Catering Club. looked at office & came home early Not very well.

Evening Went to bed early

THU. 27 Morning Got to office early

Afternoon Mr Dresden came in and we went to dine with Editha & Miss H at Capitol tea room

Evening Mr Dresden walked home with me & then went to Indiana [previous word crossed out] Gertrude House

FRI. 28 Morning Rose at 8 & went to Dr Walker for treatment. Thence to office.

Afternoon Lunched with Miss Steghagen at Glenn Inn

Evening Went to office & typed till 9.30. First looked in to stenographer's meeting

SAT 29 Morning Rose at 8 & went to Dr.W. to have eyes tested. Ye gods she ordered glasses. My life has been one series of forcing against the grain & I feel I have no

Afternoon More forcing material left for this last straw. Couldn't see to read or write all day from the drops. Suffered a

Evening blinding headache towards evening. Went to bed in dispair.

Last edit 5 months ago by VixE



SUN. 30 Morning Rose at 12 for dinner Showery all day

Afternoon Worked in office from 2 till five

Evening Miss Ryan & I & Maquay called on Miss Phelps at 160 E. Ontario street

MON. 1 MAY Morning Rose at 7. Went to Dr Schiff at 9. Got to office at 11. Went to 331 S. La Salle & made up a 2nd

MAY Afternoon dummy for Mrs R's statement. Lunched with Olive at Ouilmette. Returned to Unity & addressed publicity matter. Rang Dr. F. up & made appt.

Evening In such horror over prospect of glasses that I went to bed in dispair

TUE. 2 Morning Rose at 7.15. Practised awhile & went to office before nine. Lunched at Randolph Inn with Miss H.

Afternoon At 3.30 went to see Dr Favill he said I need not wear glasses blessings on his dear head! Came back to the office at 4.45 & looked over bills with Mrs K.

Evening So happy about glasses that I practised for 2 hrs. Felt as if a grim horror had been taken off my shoulders.

WED. 3 Morning Rose at 8 & went to office at 9. Deuce of a mess there putting in partition. Lunched at Ouilmette

Afternoon Worked on Convention publicity & came home at 4 & slept till six. Feeling in high spirits over probable escape from glasses.

Evening Went to office & worked on stuff till 9 Walked home. Lovely weather. Met Mrs Flury on the way down

THU. 4 Morning Rose at 7. Practised some & got to the office early found it in terrible mess owing to tile setters

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette at 2.30. Read Ballengar on the Singing Voice in Crerar Library. Dr Van Hoesen there too.

Evening Eyes still hurting me. Went to see Miss Phelps & she lent me a pair of dark glasses

FRI. 5 Morning Rose at 8 & went to office. Still in terrible mess with plasterers. Lunched at Ouilmette at

Afternoon 2.30. Came home and rested at 5. Cross & irritated about my eyes.

Evening Not feeling fit for anything so went to bed early

SAT. 6 65-51 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Dr Walker at 8.30. She put me through examination for D. glasses. She lacks higher sensibility & I despise her husband

Afternoon Went to Mrs Robins for lunch at 12.30. Returned to office at 3.30 & worked till 5 o'clock. Fine day. Glad to see Mrs R. again.

Evening Went to bed & read for awhile

Last edit 5 months ago by VixE
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