Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1911, Part 1


Daily diary containing brief records of Miles Franklin's activities and events.Pages for 18 June-9 September are blank.

See Library catalogue record


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SUN. 26 Morning Rose at 12.30 and had dinner

Afternoon Went with Miss Ryan to concert in Fullerton Hall and afterwards looked at Sorolla's pictures.

Evening Did odds & ends & went to bed early

MON. 27 Morning Rose at 8 & went to Dr Walker for treatment. Thence to 79 Dearborn

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette at 1 o'clock

Evening went to bed exhausted

TUE. 28 20°-28° Morning Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment but he was stalled on elevated [elevator?] & didn't come. Thence to 79 Dearborn

Afternoon Lunched at Mortimer's at 1.30. Worked in office. Went for music lesson

Evening Went to bed so exhausted I cd. not crawl

WED. 1 MARCH 42-24 Morning Rose at 8 & went to 79 Dearborn thence to 275 La Salle, bank & back to Dearborn

Afternoon MARCH Lunched at Ouilmette & thence to Dr Walker. Waited hour & half without seeing her. trouble with my ear.

Evening In pain with exhaustion tried to practise but not up to it.

THU. 2 Morning Went ot Dearborn & worked till lunch

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette Bought desk furnishings

Evening Too tired to practise went to bed early

FRI.3 Morning Went to 79 Dearborn and to 275 La Salle by 10 o'clock

Afternoon Went home with Mrs Robins & had lunch at 2 o'clock stayed the afternoon

Evening Stayed for dinner with Mrs Robins Worked till nine bringing home Statuette

SAT. 4 Morning Rose & got to 79 Dearborn at 8.30. Took Statuette to Gibsons to be photographed & took it to Robins & back to 275 La Salle

Afternoon Lunched with Miss Emerson & Agnes at Glenn Inn & thence shopping & back to 79 Dearborn till four o'clock

Evening Went to special Executive Board meeting at 275 La Salle called to consider telephone matter

Last edit about 2 years ago by VixE
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SUN. 5 Morning Stayed in bed till ten arose & worked on green satin toque with red roses

Afternoon Worked on toque again & went to bed for rest.

Evening did odds & ends & washed head. Sleeting outside

MON.6 Morning Rose before 7 & went to Dr Walker for treatment. Thence to office & Saul bank & 275 La Salle

Afternoon Lunched with Miss Martini at Glenn Inn. Worked at 79 Dearborn & got home at 4.15.

Evening Telephone girls meeting at 180 Washington St.

TUE. 7 Morning Rose at 7 & caught the suffrage Special for Springfield at 9. Illinois Central at 12 St.

Afternoon On Suffrage Special arrived in Springfield at 5. Was met by Octavia and taken home.

Evening Suffrage hearing in Rep. chamber Afterwards govenor's reception & talked with Octavia's family.

WED. 8 Morning Stayed in bed till 9 Went to State House & met Mrs Robins & girls & went to League office. Lunched with

Afternoon Pages & Agnes & Elizabeth.n 10 hr. hearing in Senate Chamber Perry, Agnes, Elizabeth, Miss Mc Shea, Mrs Robins & Mrs Swinbank spoke

Evening Springfield League banquet in Oddfellow's Bldg. 3 min speeches by all the guns. Then got on the train for home. I shared Mrs Robins' berth.

THU. 9 Morning Arrived in Chicago at 7. Perry & I came home for breakfast. I slept till 12. Rose & went to Alpha Club for lunch

Afternoon Arrived at 79 Dearborn thence to 275 La Salle & back & worked till after 5.

Evening Painfully tired so I went to bed. Shoulder troubling me considerably. Very warm weather

FRI. 10 Morning Got down to the office early & was called to 275 La Salle to look after Telephone

Afternoon girls who were striking At 275 La Salle all day till six o'clock.

Evening Exhausted so went to bed early

SAT. 11 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment. Thence to office. Miss H home from N.Y.

Afternoon Miss H & I lunched at Ouilmette & worked till six I then went to Mrs Robins

Evening Dinner with Robins & home at 10 o'clock very tired.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2
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SUN. 12 Morning Rose at 8 & went to office from 9.30 till one o'clock & walked home to lunch

Afternoon Slept till 3.45 rose & went to League meeting. Dr Hedger talked

Evening went home with Editha. had supper at Laird's & then went with her to Butlers

MON. 13 Morning Rose & got to office at nine Went to Mrs Robins for lunch Very warm

Afternoon Worked in office & went home to bed at four exhausted

Evening Miss Henry came in for dinner & stayed a little time after

TUE. 14 Morning Rose at 7 & walked to Oldenborg for treatment Thence to 79 Dearborn & to Mrs Robins for lunch.

Afternoon Back to office thence to Miss Wallace for lesson & walked home. got p.c. of Tal.

Evening Very exhausted so went to bed early. Remarkably warm weather

WED. 15 Morning Went to office & worked all morning on Strike article for "The Englishwoman"

Afternoon Lunched at 2.10 at Randolph Inn & returned to strike article

Evening Practised a little & retired early. Turned suddenly cold & windy

THU. 16 31-13 Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment. Thence to 275 La Salle & 79 Dearborn

Afternoon Lunched with Miss H. at Randolph Inn. Mrs Robins came in. Came home at four & slept

Evening practised a little & made mayonnaise

FRI.17 Morning Rose at 9 & went to 79 Dearborn. Worked there till 1.30 & then lunched at Ouilmette

Afternoon Worked, went to see Dr Walker. Miss Phelps came in. Dr W. said my throat was well!!! Good.

Evening Practised a little & made mayonnaise

30-40° SAT. 18 Morning Rose at 7 and went to Oldenborg for treatment Thence via the bank to 79 Dearborn.

Afternoon Lunched with Miss H. at Ouilmette. Mary Anderson came in & we worked on constitution

Evening Editha came in. I practised a little.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2
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SUN. 19 35°-53° Morning Stayed in bed till 12.45. Read Marie Claire

Afternoon Wrote to mother & tidied some of my papers

Evening Miss Carr came in & talked & then we all stayed up looking at the fire in

MON. 20 Morning Rose at 7 & went to 79 Dearborn at 9 Thence to Mrs Robins to work on constitution

Afternoon Olive Miss Sherwood & I lunched together & then I came to 79 Dearborn

Evening Very exhausted went to bed early Some beast reading in the next room impossible to sleep

TUE. 21 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment. Thence to Mrs Robins to deliver eggs & back to Dr De Bey to get picture of Mrs Potter

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette at 2 o'clock back to office. Went for music lesson at 4.30

Evening Miss Carr came & saw me after supper

WED. 22 Morning Got down to the office early & worked on constitution Mrs Robins came in at 12

Afternoon Lunched at Union Cafe with her & wrote Boston letter.

Evening Supper at Henrici's & worked in office on April Dummy till 8.30. Editha & Miss Carr called on me at home

THU. 23 37-32 Morning Rose & went to the printers at 8.30. Thence to 275 La Salle & back to printers

Afternoon Lunched at Kohlsaat's worked on make up till 5.15

Evening Mr Oldenborg showed me the pictures at Swedish Club cr. Goethe & La Salle & ̶s̶h̶o̶w̶e̶d̶ brought me home

FRI. 24 Morning Went to 79 Dearborn early thence to printers Worked on make up.

Afternoon Lunch at Kohlsaats worked on make up.

Evening Went to bed

SAT. 25 65°-35° Morning Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment thence to 79 Dearborn

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette with Miss Henry. Mrs Robins came in. I came home at four Mrs Kapp went at 12

Evening Went to hear Murianer at Auditorium. Robins & Darrow also spoke Fitzpatrick presided

Last edit 5 months ago by VixE
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SUN. 26 Morning Rose at 10 & Miss Ryan & I went to hear Du Bois at Ethical Society, Handel Hall. Rare treat. Very wet.

Afternoon Went to bed. Not well. Read Wells' Modern Machiavelli & slept.

Evening Got up for supper & went to bed & read for a while

MON. 27 50°-24° Morning Rose at 9 & went to office at 79 Dearborn. Snowy, blustery day.

Afternoon Miss Aitken came in & we lunched at Ouilmette came home at 4.30 & lay dow[n]. In pain.

Evening Did odds & ends & retired early.

TUE.28 32°-23° Morning Rose at 8 and went to 79 Dearborn to work on strike article for "the Englishwoman" with Miss Henry

Afternoon Lunched with Miss Henry at Randolph Inn. Walked home at 4.30

Evening Read in the library till eight came upstairs - practised a little & went to bed

WED.29 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Mrs Robins at 9.30 lunched there

Afternoon Came with Mrs Robins to 275 La Salle. Thence to 79 Dearborn & home at 5 o'clock & rested in bed till supper

Evening Pottered and went to bed

THU. 30 Morning Rose at 8.30 & went to office. Worked desultorily on English article

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette

Evening Pottered & went to bed

FRI. 31 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Dr Walker for treatment Thence to 79 Dearborn & to Mrs Robins for lunch

Afternoon Left Mrs Robins at 2 & came to 79 Dearborn. Went to Dr Schiff at 4 & then home

Evening went to 79 Dearborn at 7 & typed till nine. Walked home

SAT. 1 APRIL Morning Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment, thence to 79 Dearborn

Afternoon APRIL Worked in the office without lunch till 1.30 came home, bathed & went to Dr Favill at 3.30. Returned

Evening to 79 Dearborn at 5.30. Miss H. & I posted article to Australia. She came home to dinner with me. Pottered & went to bed.

Last edit about 2 years ago by VixE
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 58 in total