Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1911, Part 1


Daily diary containing brief records of Miles Franklin's activities and events.Pages for 18 June-9 September are blank.

See Library catalogue record


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SUN. 22 Morning Stayed in bed till one.

Afternoon Had dinner and lay down with a headache.

Evening Tyed [Typed?] a little & went to bed not feeling well.

MON. 23 Morning Went to Dr Walker at 9. Thence to office at 275 La Salle

Afternoon Lunched with Olive at Glenn Inn & went to Saul's at one to start make up while Miss Henry was at luncheon

Evening Very tired & went to bed.

TUE. 24 Morning Went to office at 275 La Salle

Afternoon Went to Miss H. at Sauls. At 4.30 went for Music lesson

Evening Sat up and ironed & refurbished toque

WED. 25 Morning Miss Henry called up & I went to Saul's. She had hurt her eye. Lunched at Kolsaats [Kohlsaats] on Dearborn

Afternoon Got to 275 La Salle at 2. Mrs Robins took me to lunch. Telephoned during afternoon & home via Robins. Telephoned 4 about H. Oldenborg

Evening Practised a little Visited with girls & went to bed.

THU. 26 40-54 Morning Stayed home & worked on sending out letters for Mrs Robins Practised

Afternoon Went to consult Hugo Oldenborg in Gas Bldg & arranged for treatments.

Evening Retired early tired

FRI. 27 51-37° Morning Went to Dr Walker at 9 a.m thence to 275 La Salle

Afternoon Lunch with Olive at Eat Shop thence back to 275 La Salle

Evening Attended Stenographer's meeting at 40 E Randolph St Miss Henry called after

SAT. 28 Morning Went to Hugo Oldenborg at 8.45 for treatment. Thence to Gibson's to have Miss Henry photographed for La Follettes Home for lunch

Afternoon Went to Sylvia Pankhurst's lecture in Music Hall. Walked there & back Also walked in & out in the morning

Evening After supper Editha Phelps came in Played till ten

Last edit about 2 years ago by Barbie2
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SUN. 29 Morning Rose at eight did odds & ends

Afternoon Lunched at one slept during after noon

Evening Went to hear strike protest meeting in Cathedral of Bishop Anderson. Miss Ryan went with me. Sumner, Wolcott & Prof. Meade also spoke.

MON. 30 Morning Rose at 7. Went to Dr Walker at 9. Thence to 275 La Salle Olive, Mrs R. & I lunched at Merkle's.

Afternoon Went to 79 Dearborn stayed a while. Osenbough came in. Got home at 4 & slept.

Evening Did odd jobs & practised a little

TUE. 31 Morning Rose at 7 Walked to Oldenburg [Oldenborg] for treatment at 8.45. Thence to 79 Dearborn St & walked home to lunch.

Afternoon Practised & worked till 3. Walked to 275 La Salle St. Thence to lesson at 4.30 Miss Wallace. Walked home.

Evening Retired early very tired.

WED. 1 FEBRUARY Morning Walked down town to 275 La Salle.

Afternoon Lunched with Mrs R. & Olive at Merkles.

Evening Editha came in and had dinner with me at Indiana House

THU. 2 Morning Rose at 7. Went to Hugo Oldenborg for treatment at 8.45. Thence to office a [at] 275 La S.

Afternoon Lunched with Miss Henry at Ouilmette & went to bed at 2.

Evening Got up for supper did odd jobs & went to bed.

FRI. 3 Morning Rose at 7. Walked to Dr Walker at 9. Thence to 275 La Salle St.

Afternoon Home for lunch . & went to bed.

Evening Got up for supper.

SAT. 4 Morning Arose at eight and walked to 275 La Salle. Lunch with Miss Emerson at Glen Inn

Afternoon Came home via 79 Dearborn and had a rest

Evening Did odd jobs & went to bed

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Barbie2
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SUN. 5 Morning Rose at ten.

Afternoon Dined with Miss Aitken at 315 Ashland to meet Mr Gawler & others. After Miss H & I walked to Dr Young's in blizzard.

Evening Supper at Young's a very pleasant time. Had great work getting home in the blizzard.

MON. 6 Morning Rose at seven & walked to Dr Walker for treatment. Thence to 79 Dearborn

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette at 1.20. Walked home & worked & slept

Evening Went to 79 Dearborn met Editha, Miss Barnum & Miss H. & sat in a box to hear Forbes Robertson in Passing of 3rd Floor back Supped after at Union

TUE. 7 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Hugo Oldenborg for treatment at 8.45 thence to 275 La Salle

Afternoon Lunched with Mrs Robins at Merkles at 1.30. Worked on statement & went for music lesson at 4.30

Evening Did all sorts of chores & practised desultorily retired at 9.30

WED. 8 Morning Rose at seven practised a little & went to 275 La Salle via 79 Dearborn

Afternoon Lunched with Olive at Capitol. Hung around on Mrs R.s orders. Wasted day.

Evening Worked a little & went to bed.

THU. 9 Morning Rose at 7 and went to Oldenborg for treatment Thence to 275 La Salle

Afternoon Lunched with Mrs R & Olive at Merkle's Attended meeting at Miss Phelps to see about ward party.

Evening Miss Carr & I had a party. Miss P Miss H. Messrs. Merrill and Maquay. The latter as unentertaining as ever.

FRI. 10 24-9 Morning Rose at 8 & went to Dr Walker for treatment thence to 79 Dearborn St

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette Tried to get a little rest in afternoon but too sick.

Evening Went to Stenographers Meeting thence to 275 La Salle. Board meeting & Miss Tuttle from Interocean wanted to see me.

SAT. 11 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment Thence to 79 Dearborn St.

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette with Miss Henry crawled home & went to be. [bed]

Evening Attended Masquerade party at Indiana House for a little while but went to bed early - sick

Last edit about 2 years ago by VixE
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SUN. 12 Morning Rose at 12.45 & went down to lunch.

Afternoon Went to League meeting. Mr Robins spoke on Lincoln. Miss H. came home with me.

Evening After supper Miss H. left. & I went round to Editha's. Miss Pease was there. Warm sloppy day.

MON. 13 51-39 Morning Stayed in bed till 11.45 & then went down to lunch.

Afternoon Practised & worked a little Warm sloppy day.

Evening Practised & worked a little. Warm sloppy day.

TUE. 14 Morning Rose at 8 & went to 79 Dearborn. Thence to 275 La Salle & lunched with Olive at Glen Inn.

Afternoon Thence to 79 Dearborn then to Oldenborg for treatment at 3 & to Miss Wallace for music at 4.30

Evening Worked & practised a little & went to bed feeling a trifle more cheerful than usual

WED. 15 39-36 Morning Went down to 79 Dearborn early went to lunch at Ouilmette at 1.30

Afternoon Stayed in the offoce till 5. p.m Miss H. came to dinner

Evening Miss H. left for N.Y. on 9.40 I saw her off very tired

THU. 16 Morning Rose at 8 & went to 79 Dearborn Addressed envelopes of foreign list at Crerar

Afternoon Lunched with Wet Mrs Kapp at Ouilmette at 2. Went to Oldenborg for treatment at 4.30

Evening Practised a little. Talked in Miss Ryan's room went to bed at 9.15 Wet

FRI.17 Morning Rose at 8 and went to Dr Walker for treatment thence to 79 Dearborn. Lunched at Ouilmette at 12.30

Afternoon Addressed envelopes at Crerar for for foreign list till 3. Thence to the office till 5.30. Editha came in.

Evening Practised a little so tired had to go to bed early.

SAT. 18 Morning Rose at 7 & walked to Oldenborg for treatment. Thence to 275 La Salle. Lunched with Olive at Glenn Inn.

Afternoon Got to 79 Dearborn stayed till 6. Went to Dr F's office but had not time to wait for him.

Evening Too tired for anything so had to go to bed early.

Last edit about 2 years ago by VixE
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SUN. 19 Morning Rose at 12 & read proofs till one When I had dinner

Afternoon Read proofs till Misses Shirmer Ryan & I went to Fullerton Hall concert & also saw Sorolla's paintings Awful crowd

Evening Read proofs & had supper. read proofs & listened to the Shaws give concert in parlor

MON. 20 Morning Rose at 8 took collars to laundry & to 275 at 5 to 9. Thence to 79 Dearborn & took proofs to Saul. Back to 275 & lunched with Olive at 11.40

Afternoon Worked on proofs for dummy till 4 when Sebastian Liberty came in. Went to Dr Walker at 5

Evening Went to S. Liberty's slide lecture at 180 Washington St. Snow fall Exhausted to death

27-12 TUE. 21 Morning Rose at 7 & went to Oldenborg for treatment. Thence to 79 Dearborn & worked on March dummy

Afternoon Lunched at Ouilmette at 1.45. went to Miss Wallace for music lesson at 4.30

Evening Practised a little but so painfully exhausted that I retired at 8.15

WED.22 33°-22° Morning Stayed in bed till ten. Rose & practised till 12 lunched

Afternoon Went to office & worked. Mrs R. came in also Mr [Gers?]

Evening Went to 21st Ward W.T.U. League party in Seward Park.

THU.23 Morning Rose at 7. Got to Saul's by 8. Worked there all day. Lunch at Kolsaat's [Kohlsaats]

Afternoon Came to 79 Dearborn 5.40 & walked home

Evening Painfully exhausted went to bed after supper

FRI.24 Morning Went to Saul's by eight Worked there till two. Lunched at Kolsaat's [Kohlsaats]

Afternoon Came to 79 Dearborn & worked there till 5.30 walked home & rested

Evening Practised a little bathed and went to bed

SAT. 25 Morning Rose at 7 & and went to Oldenborg for treatment. Thence to 79 Dearborn Isabel came in & took me to lunch at Mortimer's

Afternoon Isabel took me to Elmendorf's lecture on Paris at Orchestra Hall. I then walked home.

Evening Went to League part [party?] at 1212 Marion Court Got wet coming home. Very exhausted.

Last edit about 2 years ago by VixE
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