Calendar for 1911
✔ Oldenborg x Walker
Jan. [1-6 underlined]
Feb. [1-11marked with lines, ticks and crosses]
Mar. [2-7, 26-31 marked with lines and crosses]
Apr. [15-18 underlined]
May [11-16 underlined]
June [6-11 underlined]
July [1-5 underlined]
Aug. [4-8 line above, 21-24 underlined]
Sept. [cross above 1st, 17-10 underlined, cross below 20th and 23rd]
Oct. [12-16 underlined]
Nov. [9-13 underlined]
Dec. [4-8 underlined]
January 1911
Sun. 1 35°-42° Morning Went to Mrs Robins at 12 noon and had dinner shortly after Rested in bed till 10a.m.
Afternoon Went with Mrs Robins to Musicians Hall to attend meeting of Chic. Fed. of Labor. Mr Fitzpatrick gave his opinion of the press.
Evening Went home with Mrs Robins to supper. Stayed till nine & talked books & corrected the translation of "For her Daily Bread." Warm day - rained in evening.
Mon. 2 Morning Rested in bed till 10.30. Then went to Newsham's to dinner at noon at 2243 Park Ave. Miss Henry went too. Very cold. Snow blowing like powder.
Afternoon Mrs Newsham, Isabel Miss H. & I went to the conservatory in Garfield Pk. to see the poinsettias and enjoyed the home-like ferns.
Evening Returned to Newshams for early supper. Home at seven. Repaired clothes & did odds & ends. Cold outside but house nice & warm.
Tue. 3 Morning Stayed in bed till after 8. then went direct to 79 Dearborn. Worked there till 1.30 went to lunch at Ouilmette & walked home - very cold.
Afternoon Changed dress and went to call on Dr Y. at 3.30. Left there at 5 & went to 275 La Salle. Left there at 5.45 & returned to 79 Dearborn - walked.
Evening Miss Henry & I supped at Ouilmette & returned to office to go over funds with Harriet Reid. Walked home & went to bed at 10.p.m.
Wed. 4 Morning Rose at 7. Went to Dr Walker. Got a terrible grilling. Got to the office about 10. Worked till 2 p.m & went to lunch at Ouilmette. Walked into town.
Afternoon Interviewed little Esther Keir & then Miss Henry & I went to 275 La Salle & collected data for McClure article. Walked from 79 Dearborn. Bitterly cold & windy.
Evening Miss H. & I had to do interview of Miss Coman so took her to dine at Capitol Tea Room. Afterwards Miss Henry came home & got my 'possum rug.
Thu. 5 Morning Walked to the off at 9 a.m. Went to lunch at Ouilmette at 1.30
Afternoon Miss Coman & Miss Henry came in at 2. Miss Coman worked on McClure article. I called on Dr Young to pay bill
Evening Walked home to supper. Snowstorm so tired that I crawled to bed early.
Fri. 6 Morning Went to 275 La Salle by nine. Thence via Tuberculosis Inst. to 79 Dearborn. Went out to lunch at Ouilmette at 1.
Afternoon Miss Coman & Miss H. came in at 2.p.m. at 3.30 I went John C. Library & Editha helped me hunt up some things.
Evening Miss H. & I worked late. Supped at Ouilmette. Went to Eleanor Club mistaking night for Stenographers' meeting & walked home very tired.
Sat. 7 42-18° Morning Arose at 8 & went to Dr Walker & waited till nearly ten but she did not come. Went to Health Dept. for data Lunched at Ouilmette at 2.
Afternoon Went to 275 La Salle to do adds & ends & thence back to 79 Dearborn. Very weary - Did not sleep night before & had a pest of a cough. Got home at 4.30
Evening After stew supper typed a little. Went to Mrs Erb's birthday party in dining room & went to bed.
ENGAGEMENTS [ML MSS Accession 364 in print above January] JANUARY 1911
SUN.8 Morning Rested in bed till 9.45. Got up & went to Mrs Robins for lunch. Got very indisposed there. She gave me some brandy.
Afternoon Went with Mrs Robins to monthly meeting of League at 275 La Salle which took form of concert & birthday party to Miss McD. Also election of officers & board.
Evening Beastly cold and windy. Came home & went to bed to try & pick up for the coming rush of the week.
MON. 9 Morning Very sick with cough etc Went to Dr Van Hozen [Hoesen] first thence to office. Lunched at Ouilmette at 2 p.m. Miss H. came to my room at & brought me oranges & eggs.
Afternoon Miss Coman came in & worked with Miss Heron. I had to come home at four o'clock. Went to bed. Miss Newton called in morning with tickets for Ellen Terry.
Evening Miss H. came home to dinner & dressed for literary Society. I worked awhile & crawled to bed. feeling cross & ill & disgusted & dispirited with everything.
TUE. 10 Morning Went to office about 10 o'clock. Feeling very poorly
Afternoon Went to lunch at Ouilmette about 2 o'clock. At 4.30 went to 2nd lesson at Conservatory
Evening Came to bed early - exhausted bad cough.
WED. 11 Morning Crawled down to Dr Walker. Thence to the office
Afternoon Went out to lunch at 2. Feeling very poorly.
Evening Crawled up to dinner but felt very sick. After Miss Carr, Miss Emerson & Miss Henry came in.
THU. 12 Morning Stayed in bed till noon. Went to Crerar library for research.
Afternoon Went to office but very weak & soon had to come home & go to bed. Feeling very weak.
Evening Miss Carr brought me home some fresh eggs & gave me an orange. Didn't go down to dinner.
FRI. 13 Morning Stayed solidly in bed. Miss Carr brought up my breakfast.
Afternoon Kitty brought up my lunch & Dr Young came.
Evening Miss Henry & Miss Phelps came. Miss Phelps stayed for dinner & Miss H came after.
SAT. 14 Morning Stayed in bed. Miss Carr brought me breakfast. Got up for dinner & Very Exhausted
Afternoon Wrote to mother & went to bed again till supper.
Evening Worked again in the evening. Mr Merrill Miss Carr's beau brought me some carnations. Mrs Robins called up.
SUN. 15 Morning Stayed in bed. Miss Carr brought me up some scrambled eggs for breakfast.
Afternoon Crawled up to dinner at one & went back to bed.
Evening Crawled up to supper. Mr Merrill brought me a bouquet of pink carnations.
MON. 16 Morning Stayed in bed till noon had a little lunch
Afternoon Went to 275 La Salle Thence to Dr Walker & 79 Dearborn. Miss H. complaining of being distracted.
Evening Worked a little & then went to bed.
TUE. 17 24°-26° Morning Got up at noon & had a little lunch & played the piano a little
Afternoon Went to 79 Dearborn thence to 275 La Salle coralled by Mrs R. & missed music lesson.
Evening Washed head worked little & crawled to bed.
WED. 18 Morning Rose at 7. After breakfast wrote letters went to Mrs Robins to see files thence via the office walked home to luncheon
Afternoon Practised until 3 o'clock & went to bed till supper time
Evening Worked till ten o'clock. Miss Carr came up & borrowed my coat.
THU. 19 Morning Rose at 7. Practised after breakfast till 9.45 Went to 79 Dearborn Lunched with Miss Henry at Ouilmette.
Afternoon Went to Field's & bought fan for Mrs Lister to take Mrs Goldstein Got home at 2 exhausted went to sleep till supper.
Evening Worked till 10 o'clock on typewriter after supper.
FRI. 20 Morning Rose at 7. Went to Dr Walker at 9. Thence to 79 Dearborn. Lunched with Miss H. at Ouilmette
Afternoon In afternoon met the Listers & Miss Locke at Field's and had tea. In evening called
Evening In evening called on Editha. Mr Maquay was there & walked home with me at 10.30.
SAT. 21 14°-14° Morning Rose at 7 & practised till 9.30. Editha & I went to Lincoln St. store met Miss H. & Mrs Lister. Waited in vain for Sylvia Pankhurst.
Afternoon E. Miss H. & I lunched in Capitol ̶b̶l̶d̶g̶ tea room thence to 275 La Salle. Sylvia came Mrs R. she & I lunched at 3 at Merkle's. I went up to Alexandria to see Watson - Lister.
Evening Went with them to check luggage at Nth St. Miss H. E. They & I dined at Capitol tea room & we went & saw them on to their train. Came home & went to bed at 8.