



Status: Complete


January 1911

Sun. 1 35°-42°
Went to Mrs Robins at 12 noon and had dinner shortly after
Rested in bed till 10a.m.

Went with Mrs Robins to Musicians Hall to attend meeting of Chic. Fed. of Labor. Mr Fitzpatrick gave his opinion of the press.

Went home with Mrs Robins to supper. Stayed till nine & talked books & corrected the translation of "For her Daily Bread." Warm day - rained in evening.

Mon. 2
Rested in bed till 10.30. Then went to Newsham's to dinner at noon at 2243 Park Ave. Miss Henry went too. Very cold. Snow blowing like powder.

Mrs Newsham, Isabel Miss H. & I went to the conservatory in Garfield Pk. to see the poinsettias and enjoyed the home-like ferns.

Returned to Newshams for early supper. Home at seven. Repaired clothes & did odds & ends. Cold outside but house nice & warm.

Tue. 3
Stayed in bed till after 8. then went direct to 79 Dearborn. Worked there till 1.30 went to lunch at Ouilmette & walked home - very cold.

Changed dress and went to call on Dr Y. at 3.30. Left there at 5 & went to 275 La Salle. Left there at 5.45 & returned to 79 Dearborn - walked.

Miss Henry & I supped at Ouilmette & returned to office to go over funds with Harriet Reid. Walked home & went to bed at 10.p.m.

Wed. 4
Rose at 7. Went to Dr Walker. Got a terrible grilling. Got to the office about 10. Worked till 2 p.m & went to lunch at Ouilmette. Walked into town.

Interviewed little Esther Keir & then Miss Henry & I went to 275 La Salle & collected data for McClure article. Walked from 79 Dearborn. Bitterly cold & windy.

Miss H. & I had to do interview of Miss Coman so took her to dine at Capitol Tea Room. Afterwards Miss Henry came home & got my 'possum rug.

Thu. 5
Walked to the off at 9 a.m. Went to lunch at Ouilmette at 1.30

Miss Coman & Miss Henry came in at 2. Miss Coman worked on McClure article. I called on Dr Young to pay bill

Walked home to supper. Snowstorm so tired that I crawled to bed early.

Fri. 6
Went to 275 La Salle by nine. Thence via Tuberculosis Inst. to 79 Dearborn. Went out to lunch at Ouilmette at 1.

Miss Coman & Miss H. came in at 2.p.m. at 3.30 I went John C. Library & Editha helped me hunt up some things.

Miss H. & I worked late. Supped at Ouilmette. Went to Eleanor Club mistaking night for Stenographers' meeting & walked home very tired.

Sat. 7 42-18°
Arose at 8 & went to Dr Walker & waited till nearly ten but she did not come. Went to Health Dept. for data Lunched at Ouilmette at 2.

Went to 275 La Salle to do adds & ends & thence back to 79 Dearborn. Very weary - Did not sleep night before & had a pest of a cough. Got home at 4.30

After stew supper typed a little. Went to Mrs Erb's birthday party in dining room & went to bed.

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