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interested in the obtainment of an agreeable
neighbour in his house. Mr Loyd has
looked at the property but will not I
think purchase -

An explosion has I hear finally taken
place between George Stone & his wife,
which will lead to a final separation. You
will hear more of this hereafter - Mrs. S
has been very unwell, but is now better.

The weather is now fine for the
harvest, & the [indecipherable] corn may reach
an average crop - but
the wheat [indecipherable] to fall
short both in quantity
& quality

Tomorrow we shall know the
names of the new Govt - Peel & his friends
promise the greatest possible consideration
& all sorts of reforms, including that of
the Conservatives - Yet his difficulties will
be very great between friends & enemies
of which he may find the first the most
formidable - Never did a Party come into
office, which maintained such silence as to
the particular points of its policy - now
will much be known on this [deleted] head
before perhaps the Spring - as a vote of Gt

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